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Montipora Peeling, Clam partially closed

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I recently dropped my AI prime HD into my tank by accident when moving my tank to do some cleaning. It destroyed the light but all the livestock were fine. 2 days later i got a replacement AI Hydra 26 HD, i adjusted the levels and left home thinking everything will be fine. When i came back my montipora cap started to peel , red bubble tip anemone became super small , my radioactive birdnests polyps were receded . My golden cloves closed up but i could see the tip slightly and it was super white looked like it bleached and have not opened till now. The torch coral looked slightly dull . But the funny thing is the 2 acans were ok and my clam was partially closed. 

I didn't check my levels that day as i was panicking and just performed 40% water change. after 1 year of reefing this is the first time i encountered such a thing, usually all my corals are very happy and have good colours. I was wondering what was the cause and would kindly love some advise. Thank you

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Would like to assist you here. A couple of queries - What are your settings like? Any screen shot of it? And what's your tank size? Pic of your tank to see the rock work & coral placement

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Would like to assist you here. A couple of queries - What are your settings like? Any screen shot of it? And what's your tank size? Pic of your tank to see the rock work & coral placement

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Sorry I've been super busy. Everything looks good now except for the montipora. Initially it peeled off all its green and the green polyps remain. Now the base color is turning brown and the polyps are looking more visible . Can the montipora still recover ?

Below is the before and after.


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Fingers crossed. Green monti are generally quite hardy. 


Anyway, if you need help with your Prime light setting, just drop me a PM.

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On 6/28/2017 at 5:22 PM, vincentwangz said:

New lights will need time to acclimatize. Otherwise, it will be too strong. Reduce lighting and monitor

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second this

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Especially led lighting, you need to acclimatize the new coral to the light. Some lighting brand like AI has accilmatizing function to auto tune down the intensity of the lighting

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On 02/07/2017 at 10:22 AM, SubzeroLT said:

Fingers crossed. Green monti are generally quite hardy. 


Anyway, if you need help with your Prime light setting, just drop me a PM.

You were right man! I am starting to see a greenish tint on the base now, i will upload another pic to share the progress of recovery. thank you for offering your assistance really appreciate it.

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On 28/06/2017 at 5:22 PM, vincentwangz said:

New lights will need time to acclimatize. Otherwise, it will be too strong. Reduce lighting and monitor

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Thank you. Definitely the cause of the problem was introducing the corals to the new lights without acclimating. 

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On 03/07/2017 at 9:23 AM, he said:

Especially led lighting, you need to acclimatize the new coral to the light. Some lighting brand like AI has accilmatizing function to auto tune down the intensity of the lighting

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I have adjusted the AI hydras accordingly but i set the acclimation levels to 20%, Is this ok? or should i increase to the default 50%. However right now their doing fine.

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