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Passion of Christ


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As a non-christian ... i feel it pretty inwatchable.. kindof like watching Irreversible .. just that the context is totally diff .. Monica Bellucci is great looker tho..heheh

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  • SRC Member

Wow... Well I ain't surprised that miracles happened during the shoot of the movie (unlike the opposite which happened when they shot The Exorcist) but still reading these things from AT's reply sent shivers of joy down my spine and put a huge smile on my face...

The brutal torture that Jesus went through was very very accurate in Gibson's movie (of course the Bible didn't mention Satan being there carrying a 'baby'). And I believe that Gibson portrayed it so accurately in order to show us THE EXTENT OF JESUS's LOVE AND PASSION FOR US. How harmful sin truly can be to us and yet how much he loved us to choose to go through this kinda punishment for us.

And lastly, whether Catholic or Christian, as long as the movie makes people want to know Jesus more, it is good. Go watch, k? Oh yah, Hellboy was good to but do watch The Passion first.. :)

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Anyone notice that for the past several years, every Good Friday during the Mass at ard 3-4 pm there is a thunderstorm lasting for about 1-2 hrs - just around the ceremony where Jesus dies? Coincidence? Or a sign?

it has always been like that since I was a kid. (=

we always associated 3pm Good Friday with bad weather.

however, the recent turn around on the weather system has made certain Good Fridays nice and sunny. *thinks back to two years ago*

oh well.

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well Gibson did wanted to show the last 12 hours of his life. either Gibson failed his comprehension tests during school, or he had a little bit of money left thats why he showed the resurrection bit. (=

there is a lot more to that than spreading the philosophy of Christ. He had to go visit the apostles first in the upper room, let the doubting Thomas touch him. apostles getting engulfed with the holy flames, yada yada yada and going out to spread the good news. basically the rest of the new testament.

but hey, Gibson wanted to restrict it to Christ and his 12 hours plus a bit of surplus hours of course. (=

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Guys & gals, we ought to keep SRC discussions secular as possible but I'm only allowing this kind of invitation happening only once here in this Kopi Tiam thread.

Sorry, but I have to be sensitive also to other people's expectations & religions.

So far, we have to keep sensitive topics like religion out of public discussion as its a proven battleground but since this movie is about Christianity, I'm allowing such discussions to happen here. But any sign of trouble and I'll have to close the thread.

Sorry everyone but I appreciate your utmost co-operation and understanding.

There are other ways to spread the message of Hope. ;) We just have to be more creative!


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