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Money or job???


When working, what do you consider to be more important: Money or what you do?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. When working, what do you consider to be more important: Money or what you do?

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Was asked this question today.

Will you fall in love with money or would you fall in love with what you do? :lol::lol::lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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I make reasonably good money in my last job... but I lost passion in it after so many changes of management, crap management support and unreasonable loading of responsibilities that were beyond my original JD.

I quit and I'm happier now. ;)

I know many people who made lots of $$$ but are unhappy with their jobs... they eventually quit to do something they like. It may be lower pay but they're happier now.

But I guess different people have different priorities in life! :)

Money may be more important.

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  • SRC Member

Well I hate studying... Just like 99% of the students I know.. But we're all still studying (thank goodness I won't have to study in my 2.5yr NS these couple yrs) for our future economic welfare, right?

And well, to make our parents proud..

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it's more than just seize the day flubberina:) moneys good and if you can't enjoy the job you can still enjoy the money:) haha which is more than i can say for just enjoying the job....what happens after the enjoyment of working a 12hour job then is just pure living it out until the next day when you can wake up & have your life producing wealth for the others...again...now who would live with a life like that?

i work hard & earn at a good hourly rate but i guess if you ask me if i enjoy the job....i guess only the academic side of it since it can get too tedious sometimes listening to the problems of others....a psychologial rubber band:)

enjoyment vs money i seriously don't think you can have both....has anyone tried working in the uk earning 3 dollars to the pound? veriee nice:) but its not really living it out....the food here is no good not to mention the social vacume at times....try talking to just any londoner on the streets...haha good luck!

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Well I hate studying... Just like 99% of the students I know.. But we're all still studying (thank goodness I won't have to study in my 2.5yr NS these couple yrs) for our future economic welfare, right?

And well, to make our parents proud..

I luv studying, but dun like taking exams. :D

Anyway, job is more important now than making money.

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  • SRC Member

Sigh how i wish i can have more money

hahaha then can go study again

2.5 year in army will make you brain dead..... but since eco bad it rather a good time that you are preoccupied by some stuff.....

my work now ah..... seem quite enjoyable.... but $$$ wise not enough hahha (when will it ever be enough)

QUOTE (blacknails @ Apr 5 2004, 02:11 AM)

Well I hate studying... Just like 99% of the students I know.. But we're all still studying (thank goodness I won't have to study in my 2.5yr NS these couple yrs) for our future economic welfare, right?

And well, to make our parents proud..

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  • SRC Member

Yeah.. Well, every working adult I've met have told me that schooling is way better than working.. But the thing is that I really hate the stress of the exam period..

I don't mind going for lessons but having to cram for exams just sucks.. I'm sure ALL of you here who've already finished your PSLE, O levels and other major exams wouldn't want to go back and study for them and re-take them again right?

I'm quite sure you guys are as glad as me that they're over and done with!! :)

Hmmz.. I wonder what the occupations of the working people in this forum are..

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  • SRC Member

well nobody would like to retake exam again mah..... done with it off with it. but each exam you take.... it brings you further

well i always wanted to continue my master during my degree......but too expensive and it dont imply statistically salary increase etc

hehehe i prefer to skip lesson....skipped almost half of my lesson :evil: hahaha ..... when exam hor.... it mean near to holiday hahaha.... than can have fun liao

working ..... so standard..... no long breaks...... no chio bu too see......

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  • SRC Member
I make reasonably good money in my last job... but I lost passion in it after so many changes of management, crap management support and unreasonable loading of responsibilities that were beyond my original JD.

Isn't it so true in most companies? .. esp the management part.. and esp so when they change management. Every damn newbie tries to outperform so as to prove something to the company there which they exploit the people below them. :( ..

so true as compared to Dilbert..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
Yeah.. Well, every working adult I've met have told me that schooling is way better than working.. But the thing is that I really hate the stress of the exam period..

I don't mind going for lessons but having to cram for exams just sucks.. I'm sure ALL of you here who've already finished your PSLE, O levels and other major exams wouldn't want to go back and study for them and re-take them again right?

I'm quite sure you guys are as glad as me that they're over and done with!! :)

Hmmz.. I wonder what the occupations of the working people in this forum are..

really? .. never ask me? .. I will tell you that working is more fun.. I HATE school.. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Well, if the money is good enough to have a decent lifestyle OUTSIDE of work, i dont see why i need to like my job. For me, i only work for money, so that with the income, i can do things that i like: diving, reefing, holidays, nice meals, car etc... So i only focus on having a life outside my job.

Or perhaps i need to focus on those things to make me forget how crappy a job i have??!! :huh:

Guess being untalented and no master of any trade, i cant really make any living doing things that i like huh?! So, young people out there.. do pursue a job tat you will like and love, and hopefully the income will be good enuff for you. Just that personally, my "passion" for such an idealistic scenario sort of becomes jaded after being tossed around by society's cruel waves. haha. Well, at least i still enjoy my life outside of work. :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
Well, if the money is good enough to have a decent lifestyle OUTSIDE of work, i dont see why i need to like my job. For me, i only work for money, so that with the income, i can do things that i like: diving, reefing, holidays, nice meals, car etc... So i only focus on having a life outside my job.

Or perhaps i need to focus on those things to make me forget how crappy a job i have??!! :huh:

Guess being untalented and no master of any trade, i cant really make any living doing things that i like huh?! So, young people out there.. do pursue a job tat you will like and love, and hopefully the income will be good enuff for you. Just that personally, my "passion" for such an idealistic scenario sort of becomes jaded after being tossed around by society's cruel waves. haha. Well, at least i still enjoy my life outside of work. :rolleyes:

yah.. when working I can do whatever I want and buy whatever I want (okok.. not whatever.. I'm not rich :P).

I'm not as free as I used to be when I'm studying. :P.. whats worst is that you are under the 'mercy' of you parents coz you are using their $$. For me, every cent is accountable for. No nonsense hanky panky 'toys'... Now I can do whatever I want coz its my life, time and $$ :heh: .. I can't even afford a simple HP when I was schooling.. and now I change gadget whenever I see new stuff..

It is true that its better to find a job you like but $$ is still important. I'm not being materialistic here. We work for the $$ and thats a fact in Singapore. We can't just grow plants and breed cows in our backyard (that is if you have a backyard even) and eat off our gardens. We need $$ and lots of them.

Of course IF we can find a job that ALSO is our passion, thats an added advantage..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

its not everyone that finds a job that pays them to do what they enjoy.

Micheal Jordan said it best when he said he gets paid a lot of money to do what he would for free, then again he has the advantage of already earning $33m that year. ;)


sometimes i do what i like, most times i do what i have to.


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That's true.

Most of my hobbies have been paid for by me taking on extra work... freelance projects... I burn weekends and weeknights but in the end, what I spend on my interests is me having to work hard for it.

$$$ certainly doesn't grow on trees.

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Who in this world that tell me that they dont work for $$$? If so then please come and work for me :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Bread and butter is one and work satisfaction is another. Tell me who can get work satisfaction when even affording bread and butter is an issue?

You may say that I work for job satisfaction and pleasure first but thats probably becuase you dont have a family to support etc.

There probably not much diff earning $8000 or $9000 but it certainly makes a big diff earning $1000 or $2000.

Everyone tries to get some job satisfaction but we've got to be realistic as well. If you are given a decision to chose job satisfaction for $1000 a month salary vs no job satisfaction for $8000 a month, what would you chose? I would go for $8000 a month. Anyhow there is life after work. :whistle

Just my personal opinion.

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  • SRC Member

There is a breakeven point for every one of us. After the initial $X income, where we become "confortable", we then strive for job satisfaction, and dare I say, ways to "give back to the community". Where that $X mark is, is up to each individual; know of people who are satisfied at $2-$3K with a happy family and know of pple who earn $10-$20K and yet not happy...so how? :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

I dun know about that... :rolleyes:

Used to earn $***** per month in business, then gave up everything then earned $*** per month and feel that life's has never been better...everyday living in joy and serenity then due to a calling to equip myself and ended up working $**** per month now but I'm getting ready to give it up... all for life's experiences and my carpe diem mentality... :P

I always like to say...You only live ONCE... :lol:

Life is like a bus stop...

The structure is there, the purpose is there...

Everyday, you get people coming into your life...

Some just stayed for a short while, while others lingered on...

Occasionally, you are 'hurt' because of the 'scars' that are left on you...aka vandalistic acts... ;)

Once in a while, you get a facelift...to keep up with modern fashion... :lol:

However, a bus stop is still a bus stop...

It is how you make the best out of your purpose in life


Forgive me...guess I forgot to take medicine today... :P

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Take this below for example & comparison

1) you earn 2k & is pretty happy i.e. the carpe diem & you start working at 24. End working at 50 with the same basic pay for 2k. At the end of all that your cpf is about 300k & possible nil to nothing in the bank for savings since we have the enjoy mentality.

compared with

2) you earn 6k & have a tough work life stress stress etcetc & do not have a life for 20years working your back off. At the end of that you probably have 1000k in cpf with possibly a bit of savings in your bank since you were earning a bit more & spending more time working rather than out in suntec city spending up the dough.

Now who thinks that he can possibly retire on 300k? The person who thinks that i believe must also be assuming that he will have a heart attack at 60 & pray die there as well......heehee if you have renal failure possibly i see you as poor as musty cheese when you reach 55; not even a rat would touch it.

1000k. Think you can retire on that? & why not? it sure won't hurt to even fit in a couple of carribean hols or even getting a second wife at 1k a fling!

so i guess it is a choice between enjoying your life when you are young & the most productive rather than whiling it away dreaming up goats & then start getting productive in your latter life when you run out of money for your retirement....

but then this coming from a 10k a month person working in the uk i guess it is most likely a biased view & opinion teehee:)

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  • SRC Member

Refer to my earlier comment on when u hit $X of income...ie based on Maslow's hierarchy, u have covered all your basic "survival" needs, eg food and housing, future savings, etc...then u now want to move up the hierarchy...fulfilling jobs, etc...if u are struggling for survival to start with, then no need to say lah! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

it maybe the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome but just think:

If we do earn enough and have enough savings, investments and properties, etc, etc, we could also give up a $xxxxx job for a $xxxx or $###### paying job.. but too bad, many can barely sustain their daily lifestyle and therefore need/want to look for a high paying job as THE first criterial. Huh.. "what investments?" "what property?".. "still need to pay for my HDB load leh!".. its sorta like the rich get richer. Using $$ to buy $$.

Maybe as one just said about the breakeven point is true. And yes, we know that that $xxxxx paying job requires much stress and usually not ideal job. But till then, we are still striving to look for a $xxxxx paying job and probably stop when we can buy $$ with $$..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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