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My new 3ft Tank!!


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oic...a lot of reefers selling mah....

y not go for beckett....everyone is doing that now...hahahhaa

that one can fit my sump just nice..

should do lah. last upgrade I tik..

then can close shop concentrate on buying corals..

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  • SRC Member

in some previous pages, you mentioned your cleaner wrasse died.

it happened to me as well.

later found in some thread that such cleaner wrasse will never last in captivity and best to be left free in their natural environment, i.e the sea.

my $0.02 worth.

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  • SRC Member

given up on cleaner wrasse...

added a baby sailfin, lasted for about 1mth+ and suddenly died...suspect that my boxer was too hungry, or maybe he merely picked up the dead fish...didn't manage to recover the dead body due to my rockscape...so just let it rot inside...

my parameters are as follows

Ammonia: 0 ammonia alert

NO2: 0 nutrafin

NO3: a bit but less than 5ppm

PO4: no test kit

temperature: 26c (no difference when lights are on)

calcium 400ppm aqualight test kit

dkh: 11 nutrafin

other stuffs,

1 X return pump

2 X 150W 10kk (XM lights)

2 X profantic (one is switch on 24hrs, the other only when my MH are on)

0 X skimmer (coming soon) do not have any since i started this tank.hahahaha

0 X calcium reactor (coming soon)

FULL TANK VIEW compared with pic taken on May 16 2004


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will be adding the following soon...


1) more clams if this 1st piece last longer than 2mths

2) red lobos

3) blastos

4) blue sea fan (request from mom)

5) more brains

6) pratas

7) 1 more torch coral to accompany my lonely piece

8) 1 big nice octopus coral

9) pulsing xenia

like not enough space hor??

trying to add more colours into my tank, any recommendations??


1) Rio Seio Wave Maker (should be in soon)

2) RobSKim Mini (projected to be up in 2 weeks' time)

3) RobFLo Maestro (FR + carbon add on, done with design...waiting for my big fat ###### to start working)

4) RobREact Mini (calcium reactor, done with design...waiting for my big fat ###### to start working)

5) RobKAlk Mini (kalk reactor, in the midst of designing)

6) Tubby. will get from CM when i strike 4D, if not just top up everyday loh.

fishes (once my RobSKim Mini is up)

1) royal gamma

2) purple tang or red sea sailfin tang

3) 2 x purple gobies

4) blue tang or powder blue tang

will keep more corals but less fishes to keep bioload down...

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:peace: wow, ur hammer damn big ... but overall the pic is wonderful hee hee

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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