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Something wrong with my clown

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  • SRC Member

Hello everyone.

I introduced 4 clowns, all small sized 4 days ago. Everything was going good until today morning I realised that there's something appearing on the body of my clown. I'm not sure what is it. Looks like another layer of skin or membranes. Appears whitish and slightly transparent. What should I do and what went wrong? Please help.






Thank you in advance to all

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  • SRC Member

Could be nothing or could be brooklynella. Most probably the latter. 

In any case, take out the affected clownfish, if not the other 3 will also be affected. Come to think of it, take out all 4.

For the moment, once u take them out do a freshwater bath for the clowns. If can hold it in a separate tank, all the better after the freshwater bath. If not no choice, put it back in ur DT.

After that, find interpet 7 or blagdon anti parasite. I rly duno where to find them nowadays. 

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  • SRC Member

Corals should be no issue. 

Best of luck to you and your clowns

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member

It sounds like this is a new tank that you have just set up? If so, how Long have you cycled ur tank and have you measured if indeed the Ammonia is at 0 ppm, and the Nitrite is also at 0ppm? Is the Nitrate then at 20ppm? If so then you can try medicating to help the clowns recover. There is this product called Dr G's caviar and it is very effective in treating fish without upsetting the tank's chemistry, if the tank's parameters are in acceptable levels. If it is not, you are only stressing the fish as the water is toxic for them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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