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The Nutrients Debate: Biopellets Reactor or Algae Turf Scrubber?


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So I've tried both and will lean towards ATS as it continues to yield a good amount of algae which I assume is a good thing. For those who don't know how it works, an algae turf scrubber is a box that contains a mesh that breeds algae as there is a light source and exchange of oxygen which encourages the growth of algae. This then pulls out the excess nutrients from ur display tank as the algae in the ATS absorbs them for their growth. The drawback for an ATS is that it releases a lot of algae into the water when you remove the screen for clearing of the carpet of algae that has formed, and though harmless, it is unsightly.

Now a biopellets reactor is something that provides a food rich environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive. Due to a thriving colony of bacteria, the nitrates and phosphates are consumed. The thing is, biopellets reactors are messy and get clogged often. Whether you use the normal reactor or the recirculating reactor, one common issue I've heard of in the hobby is that the output gets clogged and then the pellets go bad (the bacteria dies and becomes excessive organic waste), resulting in an overflow of the skimmer and a resulting sump that looks like it had a bubble bath.

So, for me, an ATS (the waterfall type seems to yield the most algae) is the winner between the two as a means of reducing nutrients in a controlled but natural way. How about the rest of you?

Happy Reefing. :)

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My vote is the ATS (waterfall type) after using it for the past months.

Simple & effective. 

Aside from the initial set up cost, the running cost for ~ 35watts (20w lights 18rs/day + 15w pump allocation 24hrs) is about $4.60 per month only.

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I would go for chaeto if there is enough space for its growth, else ATS work great as well.

Another problem with running biopallets , cyno issue tends to be common as it is hard to control the carbon dosing which is the melting of the pellets vs bioload although Switching to certain brands/ type will help .

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • 3 months later...
  • SRC Member

I know Rudi DIYed his own ATS as well as chaeto reactor and ran both at the same time. There should not be any ill effects cos both are naturally occurring due to light source and at the most you may see slower growth in either chaeto or ATS.

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