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My 50 gallon tank


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This tank have been setup since Dec 2000.

It's a 50 gallon conected to a 15 gallon refugium and a 7 gallon Dual surge device. Water is feed by a 2400 l/h Eheim 2060 to a Weipro 2014 and the dual surge device. A smaller Eheim pump feed a Teco chiller. There is also a 2000 l/h powerhead in the main tank.

Lighting is one 150 watt 20,000k BLV MH. Another 150 watt 10,000k BLV will be added soon.

KH is 8 and Ca is 380-400. No2, No3 and etc is 0 since 2 1/2 years ago.

This tank use to be a LPS tank but now it is slowly turning into a SPS tank. The LPS grows too fast for this tank size. :D

Any constructive comments are welcome. B)



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Hai Juan!!! So long I did not hear from you! :yeah:

There have been changes to my tank since the last time you saw it. :D I have also manage to silent the surge device and also now there is no more bubbles. And of course you now also notice the SPS. :D

It is hard in Malaysia to find a nice colour acropora. Most are brown. The nice coloured ones the LFS will always put in their show tank. And they wont sell those. Not even when I tried to "push" them with more $$$. I manage to get a LFS to keep an eye out for me. There is a nice Blue acropora in Batu Karang few weeks back but that one have RTN at the lower branch. Not something I wanna add to my tank.

The good thing is I have a few acroporas coloured up within a few weeks in my tank.

Juan, do keep an eye out for me will you? Call me if you see any nice acropora!!! Thanks!

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