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Setting up my new tank. Please help


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Hello everyone.

I am very new to this hobby. Really need some advice from the seniors and experts here. I love I just bought a tank from another member here. It measures 19.5, 17.5 by 19.5 inches. (Including the back compartments) I'm just planning to keep live sand, live rocks, clown fish and maybe anemone in this tank. Not planning to have a sump tank. Planning to do the filteration using the back compartments. However the bad compartments only have a width of 3 inches. Anyone has any suggestions about an efficient filteration system? In each compartments what do I put? Bio balls, filteration balls or sponge etc. As for the return pump, is it possible for me to fit a return pump into a compartment of width 3inch. Do I need a skimmer and if so, any recommendation?

Thank you to everyone in advance

Here are some pictures for better understanding 506622ff4d5570bfe5e0efea2f64d70d.jpg31861c93a71926ac2547413a221bf85d.jpgd9c4a933313d66c8d826cfb4197573b9.jpg

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57 minutes ago, Vickar said:

Thank you bro.

Anyone has a set up similar to mine and have a picture to share?

Bro, u can look at the nano reef thread, members tank, etc..got a few reefers got a similiar to ur tank setup..do more readup b4 commiting yea :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Thank you for all the replies. My tank is up and running. Here's a picture for everyone. I'm currently looking for cleaning crew. Saw a few nice ones like fire shrimp and emerald crab. But are they reef safe? I'm afraid they might be aggressive towards corals and other cleaning crew. Any advice?

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Thank you for all the replies. My tank is up and running. Here's a picture for everyone. I'm currently looking for cleaning crew. Saw a few nice ones like fire shrimp and emerald crab. But are they reef safe? I'm afraid they might be aggressive towards corals and other cleaning crew. Any advice?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Emerald crab is generally reef safe. Last week there is alot in coral farm not sure of is still there anot.

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Hello everyone!

I bought a purple slug yesterday. Introduced it to my tank at 6pm. He was active till about 11pm moving around. After that he was stationary till 12pm today. I thought he died so I tried removing him and realised he is alive. After that he was moving for 5 mins and now stationary again. Is it normal? Any advice. It's on a live rock.

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Most 'slugs' have very specific diets depending on the species. Most of them feed on specific sponge that are not commonly found in reef aquarium or even sold in shops.

Unfortunately many LFS may say "they eat algae" which is not true. Hence its probably feeling very hungry as there isn't available food.


Not sure which purple slug you got. (eg.Hypselodoris apolegma).


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Most 'slugs' have very specific diets depending on the species. Most of them feed on specific sponge that are not commonly found in reef aquarium or even sold in shops.
Unfortunately many LFS may say "they eat algae" which is not true. Hence its probably feeling very hungry as there isn't available food.
Not sure which purple slug you got. (eg.Hypselodoris apolegma).

Thanks a lot bro. I went to CF today and they told me it feeds on blue sponge. Thank god they had some at their place. The shop I got from ytd told me that I don't have to feed anything


I just bought this scallop from CF. I was told it's reef safe. Came home still in the bag but he suddenly started snapping! Is it safe to add him? I have a doc shrimp and clowns. Have and to add in corals in the future. Please advice.

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The flame scallops are quite interesting. They will snap wildly at night...harmless.


This is a very good article on flame scallops. Take note about diet requirements.



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The flame scallops are quite interesting. They will snap wildly at night...harmless.
This is a very good article on flame scallops. Take note about diet requirements.

Thanks a lot bro. Really appreciate it. It was a good read

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I got this light from a reefer a week ago. A day later I realised 4 blue led bulbs turn on for a second or 2 and then it goes off. All the white lights are working perfectly fine. Is it possible to change the bulbs only? Say at Sim Lim? He told me he bought the light from a Marine shop at Pasir Ris. Anyone knows if I can fix these lights? It's a G2 Maxspect LED light 110W.





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