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Need advice on sudden fish death


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  • SRC Member

Hi reefers, need some advice and help. I just bought a fire goby last Saturday and this morning it died out of the blue. 5 days in total

Is there any kind of disease or problem with my tank? 

Background: 2ft ios tank water started in nov 2016. Water parameters normal range for ca kh no3 mg.

First ich breakout about 2.5 months ago and eventually wipe out all my fishes about 1.5 months ago. Remaining tank mates coc like red hermit crab and snails and a boxer shrimp.

Bought a fire goby from ah beng farm last saturday and it was swimming fine and no spots detected since. Tank has pods... did broadcast frozen mysis into tank but didnt see it eat...

Retrieve fish body and has no physical injury seen... ruling out boxer bully shrimp attack...

Am at a lost because i dont want to just keep a corals only tank... 

Any kind soul can point 2 this newbie what did i do wrongly or what should i do? 


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Hi Sir there are so many factors and reasons. As reefers we try our best but sometimes bad things happen to good tanks. But these are some of the things we can do to minimize sudden death syndrome:

1. Did you slow drip when you introduce the new fish? It may not get used to your new water parameters. Some fish are hardy and some are not.

2. Whitespot. Add a UV light. It solved all my white spot issues. I also added my own co antibacterial nanosilver beads just in case.

3. Temperature. Do you have a chiller?

I am sure other reefers have other pointers. Good luck sir.

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Firefish is quite slow in eating and they only react when food very near to them. Since you din see it eating or not this may be one reason as well. Provide hiding place for firefish also important as they are quite shy

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3 hours ago, Harry H said:

Hi Sir there are so many factors and reasons. As reefers we try our best but sometimes bad things happen to good tanks. But these are some of the things we can do to minimize sudden death syndrome:

1. Did you slow drip when you introduce the new fish? It may not get used to your new water parameters. Some fish are hardy and some are not.

2. Whitespot. Add a UV light. It solved all my white spot issues. I also added my own co antibacterial nanosilver beads just in case.

3. Temperature. Do you have a chiller?

I am sure other reefers have other pointers. Good luck sir.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thanks! Yup i got chiller... 25 degrees

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Yup yukok.lim! it darted very fast first 2 days! Sad it died...

Dart very fast to food or ?? Firefish dart only when get disturb and nervous. Normally they just floating around...

May be the fish already injured before reach ur home, is purely unlucky. Try another one if dun mind, they are cute and pretty.

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Ah beng at pasir ris farm... now i know firefish is not so hardy...

Okayy. Fish source also might be an issue. Certain way they catch the fish will also result in the fish survivability.

Put it this way, (i wouldnt disclose their shop to protect their identity , afterall is their livelihood)

i bought firefish at LFS A for 5 time. All their firefish wouldnt last more than 7 day in my QT, even when they are feeding. Not only firefish, out of the 30 (estimated) other fish i bought from them, maybe only 5 survive.

Last time i bought from LFS B it pass through my 21 day qt and it lasted for 6 month before it succumb to starvation as it cannot compete for food in my main tank.

Ultimately It really boils down to how they catch their fish, hear say some lfs sources use cyanide to catch fish. I declare, rumour ah.

So a piece of advice where to buy fish, either from reefers. Or.... from lfs u know that nv uses cyanide , which could be done if you check with other reefers.
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  • SRC Member
8 hours ago, yukok.lim08 said:


Dart very fast to food or ?? Firefish dart only when get disturb and nervous. Normally they just floating around...

May be the fish already injured before reach ur home, is purely unlucky. Try another one if dun mind, they are cute and pretty.

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Dart to hide in hole because it saw people movement outside tank... ya... it floats around n swim against current after two days when it got use to the new environment... hopefully it is pure unlucky n not because of my negligence... yes fire fish is cute!

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  • SRC Member
7 hours ago, daveyy said:


Okayy. Fish source also might be an issue. Certain way they catch the fish will also result in the fish survivability.

Put it this way, (i wouldnt disclose their shop to protect their identity , afterall is their livelihood)

i bought firefish at LFS A for 5 time. All their firefish wouldnt last more than 7 day in my QT, even when they are feeding. Not only firefish, out of the 30 (estimated) other fish i bought from them, maybe only 5 survive.

Last time i bought from LFS B it pass through my 21 day qt and it lasted for 6 month before it succumb to starvation as it cannot compete for food in my main tank.

Ultimately It really boils down to how they catch their fish, hear say some lfs sources use cyanide to catch fish. I declare, rumour ah. emoji1.png

So a piece of advice where to buy fish, either from reefers. Or.... from lfs u know that nv uses cyanide , which could be done if you check with other reefers.


Oic Dave! Learnt something new... will look out for reefers that wanna let go fishes n get to know more reefers to learn from their wisdom! 

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  • SRC Member

Okayy. Fish source also might be an issue. Certain way they catch the fish will also result in the fish survivability.

Put it this way, (i wouldnt disclose their shop to protect their identity , afterall is their livelihood)

i bought firefish at LFS A for 5 time. All their firefish wouldnt last more than 7 day in my QT, even when they are feeding. Not only firefish, out of the 30 (estimated) other fish i bought from them, maybe only 5 survive.

Last time i bought from LFS B it pass through my 21 day qt and it lasted for 6 month before it succumb to starvation as it cannot compete for food in my main tank.

Ultimately It really boils down to how they catch their fish, hear say some lfs sources use cyanide to catch fish. I declare, rumour ah.

So a piece of advice where to buy fish, either from reefers. Or.... from lfs u know that nv uses cyanide , which could be done if you check with other reefers.

Agreed with davey ~ collection of fish from origin plays a crucial role in fish survival ! Don't your worry, firefish are very sensitive fish, minimal stress if possible not really a starter fish to recommend. Try something simpler first get your tank well cycled again before moving ahead ! Always remember reefing is all about patience and planning

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14 hours ago, AppleholicKen said:

Agreed with davey ~ collection of fish from origin plays a crucial role in fish survival ! Don't your worry, firefish are very sensitive fish, minimal stress if possible not really a starter fish to recommend. Try something simpler first get your tank well cycled again before moving ahead ! Always remember reefing is all about patience and planning

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Oki tks

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Imho, dun blame any LFS..LFS are not the one who catch the fishes..even good shipment dun guarantee healthy fishes..it boil down to ur fish choosing skill n luck liao..of coz as reefers, we got to do our part as in maintaining a clean water system n read up on their compatibility..most reefers will introduce more hardy fishes like clownfish, chromis, etc to test water 1st..but do note that sometime hardy fish dun survive but the sensitive fish ok..so u will think its what went wrong..no explanation for this yea..

Good luck n happy reefing :)


@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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2 hours ago, kenyee said:

Imho, dun blame any LFS..LFS are not the one who catch the fishes..even good shipment dun guarantee healthy fishes..it boil down to ur fish choosing skill n luck liao..of coz as reefers, we got to do our part as in maintaining a clean water system n read up on their compatibility..most reefers will introduce more hardy fishes like clownfish, chromis, etc to test water 1st..but do note that sometime hardy fish dun survive but the sensitive fish ok..so u will think its what went wrong..no explanation for this yea..

Good luck n happy reefing :)


Oki tks! Reefing on together! Got a juvenile coris wrasse and been 2 days already... fingers crossed!

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6 hours ago, daveyy said:

From pacific reef? Or other lfs?

Keep us posted on the fish.

Btw what are your water parameter ?

From iwarna 

water as follow

kh between 8 - 9

ca between 400 to 420

no3 usually around 5ppm

po4 is 0

mg usually 1200

no dosing pump... manual add

temp 26 hs66a no external temp

salt red sea coral pro

2ft iOS...

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5 hours ago, yukok.lim08 said:

I also using pair firefish as starter fish, everything ok till 5 month later one decide to MIA. Another one still swim happily in my tank. Is almost come to 7 month

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That day iwarna have plenty purple firefish... tempted but saw this interesting corgis wrasse n Tevin told me better take wrasse as it is hardier... 

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Fire gobies are generally very timid and shy fish that does better in groups of at least 5 and in tanks without other aggressive fishes. They need plenty of hiding places and once they get used to your aquarium, they will come out to feed. But if they are stressed, they will easily starve to death.

Solitary individuals or pairs hardly make it long in an aquarium.

All the best!


Aquarium 3 - 250 liters with sump and refugium

Jebao DC 6000 pump with speed controller

Skimz skimmer

AI Hydra 52 HD

Hailea HS-66A (1/4 hp) chiller

Maxspect Gyre

TLF Phosban reactors with Phosban

Tunze nano osmolator

Marine Magic Triplet Dosing


Aquarium 1 - 27 litres

Atman HF-0600 HOB filter

Maxspect Razor Nano 60W (10,000 K)

AOL 60 litres chiller

Tunze Nano Osmolator



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4 hours ago, reef garden said:

Fire gobies are generally very timid and shy fish that does better in groups of at least 5 and in tanks without other aggressive fishes. They need plenty of hiding places and once they get used to your aquarium, they will come out to feed. But if they are stressed, they will easily starve to death.

Solitary individuals or pairs hardly make it long in an aquarium.

All the best!

Oic! Learnt something new today! Thanks!

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