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Reason why S'pore teachers vomit blood


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that's why teachers should be highly paid and get long holidays....

to let the blood pressure come down a bit, have more money to go holiday and get some time along from those noise :lol::lol::lol:

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look at hoe simplistic this child's mind can get! <_<

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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  • SRC Member

i think this person who write this letter must be writing based on watever come to his mind immediatly

although it is out of point

this person really speaks out his mind regardless of if it is rite or wrong

mostly based on his feelings of that point of time

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  • SRC Member

this guy is just fooling around.do u guys notice that he has no spelling mistakes?and sometimes his grammer errors look so deliberate..hhahaha..but damn funny...and bro riot,i understand that being a teacher is'nt easy..hahaha remembered how iewnehz used to fu*k the teachers' day up..every single day..ahahahahhahahhahahaha

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  • SRC Member

its not so funny when of have to go through 40 of these texts..

reading is not bad enough, you gotta correct them.

some more have to explain the mistakes :(

when i taught secondary,

my normal tech students wrote words like

"CH## B@!, and FU(K and K@nni N@"...


that why i buy TOTO every week... :P

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  • SRC Member

My two cents:

giving such a ridiculous topic "describe activities etc outside my window", and having a minimum number of words required for this assignment is the cause of poor, sarcastic, ridiculous write up!

Am sure there's many with "powderful england" from this forum. But if one were to write say.. a minimum of thousand words on this topic?

Really funny and entertaining "article". and of cos, 3 cheers to sincere teachers in our country!

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You get clowns in primary schools as well as in JCs...(maybe not the top five). Check this out ...three guys actually got drunk in college after consuming one full bottle of volka (straight-up) in a classroom located on the fourth storey (that actually took place during lunchtime!). One teacher had to carry one of them down while the two others followed, staggering behind. Of course got suspended! :D Sorry cannot reveal the name of the college.

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  • SRC Member

Oh dear.. My gf is thinking of going NIE somemore.. Hahaha.. Wonder if the essay is from a primary or secondary school student... But it's really pretty cool and funny... Hahaha... "I am not a girl because I am a boy."

Sigh... Poor teachers...

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  • SRC Member

ke ke... how to have spelling errors when all the words use so somple?? money is money, not money is not money! ha ha wat the F he talking?? a boy is boy, a girl is not a boy, girl is girl and i am not a girl!

Well.... I would say an idiot is an idiot and he's both an idiot & a moron! First time see aeroplane ma!! everything mad somemore, mad parents, mad dog mad everthing! And dog just bought jump out of 28th floor. parents got more money. get old no need so much, take care of themselves & he go spend their money. ai... Hard to believe how sick society has become.

Make me think twice bout having kids man! Which standard is this bugger anyway? hardwritting too proper for lower pri. So higher pri?? lower sec??

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