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Premium FC frags :)


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High quality premium FC frags  :wub:

Healthy, stable and most important freee of pest , buy with peace of mind ;)

Whatsapp 90070711 for booking, viewing and collection.


1) FC Cranberry Shortcake - $250



2) Red Robin mini colony - $180



3) Red Robin mini colony - $200



4)  FC Rainbow Blossom - $180



5) FC Rainbow Shabert - $450



6)  FC The Beast - $180



7)  FC Sweetie Pie - $180


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Hey hey...thanks for your kind words bro  :D 

Take your time bro, cycling should take a while and allow your tank biological system to fully established first, I would be happy to pass you some beginner's frags to try out.

Most importantly be extra careful when getting your livestock, so that to eliminate the chance of introducing pest such as bugs or flatworms  ^_^

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Adding FC Rainbow CRT and Walt Disney to the list  :wub:

Whatsapp 90070711 for booking , viewing and collection.

FC Rainbow CRT - $180



Rainbow CRT (Large) - $480



FC Walt Disney - $200



Whatsapp 90070711 for booking , viewing and collection. Thank you !

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Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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3 hours ago, AloysiusMun said:

Wah. Both the Walt Disney and the CRT rainbow are pieces I must have in my tank. So tempting... My brain keeps saying no but my fingers are so damn itchy!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Patient bro... B) another month or two may be , when the tank gets more matured :groupwavereversed:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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