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Instant Recycling idea

Harry H

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  • SRC Member

Dear Reefers

One of the most "painful" experience in saltwater fish keeping is the cycling period. You bought the tank and you have to cycle for 4 weeks and wait for the ammonia to come down. I have tested several instant cycling products and even if it works, you put a single hardy fish or max two which is no different from fish cycling which is deemed cruel. I know the standard mantra.. this is about patience and it is good for the tank... etc etc.

But with ALL THE SCIENCE on this planet why cant we have instant gratification. So hear this crazy idea out. Maybe many have tried it and succeeded. If you have a canister filter that has been used for months with all the required bacteria inside, why cant you rent it out for instant recycling? If I run a fish store and I have 5 canisters that are constantly running and the customer approach me wishing to start a tank, I can rent the canister to him and there should be enough bacteria to run the tank immediately. And he uses live rocks and new sand or better still, sell him sand with bacteria. Is that possible? I know there are instances when you take the filter medium of matured tank and place it in yours to accelerate the bacteria build up but WHY NOT go for the whole canister? And the canister is transportable.

I am sure there are some obvious flaws in the process but as a thought experiment, I think it is workable. Think about it. Why wait 4 weeks lol :-)

WARNING: For new reefers, PLEASE DO NOT TRY THE ABOVE METHOD. The above is just speculation and I am hoping the senior reefers here can give this a thought.





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