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How to Start Reefing


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Hi Ben, i guess there are many pinned articles in this forum that can take days to read which was how i started...

I had lots of questions when i was reading and many bros here were kind enough to reply my queries and guided me when i pm them.

Finally when i took the plunge into reefing, met many bros/gurus up along the way n learnt much more from them. Btw all these are in a short span of 3 mnths only... so this is my journey so far... hope it helps

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Hi Ben, i guess there are many pinned articles in this forum that can take days to read which was how i started...
I had lots of questions when i was reading and many bros here were kind enough to reply my queries and guided me when i pm them.
Finally when i took the plunge into reefing, met many bros/gurus up along the way n learnt much more from them. Btw all these are in a short span of 3 mnths only... so this is my journey so far... hope it helps

Hi! Thanks for the advice. Will definitely read those up. But end of the day, I was thinking of a small desktop tank since I don't really have space right now.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

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No worries Ben, there are many desktop tanks that are successful too... try looking up subzerolt's thread where he has a desktop tank by his window... just note that the smaller you go... the easier for the parameters of the ecosystem in the tank to swing... depends on what kind of commitment ($$,time,etc) you wish to devote... :P 

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No worries Ben, there are many desktop tanks that are successful too... try looking up subzerolt's thread where he has a desktop tank by his window... just note that the smaller you go... the easier for the parameters of the ecosystem in the tank to swing... depends on what kind of commitment ($$,time,etc) you wish to devote...  

Yeah, I know that would happen given the smaller volume of water.

Do you happen to have the link? He has too many posts, can't seem to find the correct one.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

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Paiseh... tried 2 search under member : subzerolt only found my slice of nature part 3... tried search under topic: my slice of nature part 1 and 2 failed... still new here too... maybe my memory fail me too...

Any kind bros here can help Ben find links on any desktop tanks setup? TIA!

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Paiseh... tried 2 search under member : subzerolt only found my slice of nature part 3... tried search under topic: my slice of nature part 1 and 2 failed... still new here too... maybe my memory fail me too...
Any kind bros here can help Ben find links on any desktop tanks setup? TIA!

I found all the 3 parts, but seems like those are huge tanks as well.

Any kind soul can help direct me to desktop tanks setup?

Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

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8 minutes ago, Jairus said:

Hi bro, welcome to the salty side. same as you, I jumped from fresh into marine (although i'm still keeping my freshwater tank). 

Some links you can check out:


Hi Jairus, will check them out too. Thanks.

I'm thinking of keeping my freshwater tank too, though I've seen some convert Fluval Spec 5g tank (my tank) into a saltwater one too... Tempting...

Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

Edited by bbenbenben
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Hi welcome. I have just converted as well. 2months and going strong.
Wasted one month without chiller. I feel it's a must. The power consumption is not a lot if u upsize ur chiller for nano tank. My chiller only run 5 min for every hour.

For basic u can go YouTube and search for brs tv. Bulk reef supply. Under 52 weeks of reefing. It help me a lot to understand reefing in an easy way.

Enjoy the process.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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15 minutes ago, Jairus said:

5 gallon, sounds like a pico tank. (: you can check this out:



I saw a few on youtube that converted the tank to a SW one. But I personally think it's too small, and I will wanna keep it as a FW tank. :P


4 minutes ago, Eric Ng Yong Keong said:

Hi welcome. I have just converted as well. 2months and going strong.
Wasted one month without chiller. I feel it's a must. The power consumption is not a lot if u upsize ur chiller for nano tank. My chiller only run 5 min for every hour.

For basic u can go YouTube and search for brs tv. Bulk reef supply. Under 52 weeks of reefing. It help me a lot to understand reefing in an easy way.

Enjoy the process.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Hi Eric, thanks for the link, will go watch it soon. Haha.

I'm just seeing how this goes for now. Still at the ai mai ai mai stage... :lol:


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13 minutes ago, Eric Ng Yong Keong said:

Hi welcome. I have just converted as well. 2months and going strong.
Wasted one month without chiller. I feel it's a must. The power consumption is not a lot if u upsize ur chiller for nano tank. My chiller only run 5 min for every hour.

For basic u can go YouTube and search for brs tv. Bulk reef supply. Under 52 weeks of reefing. It help me a lot to understand reefing in an easy way.

Enjoy the process.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Bro can share ur tank n chiller size?what temp u set at? Thks :) 

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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I must say the satisfaction in sw tank is more than fw tank. Much more parameter to handle n look after. Nano is not so bad. A 10% water change will replenish back all elements. Nano is the way to start I think. Not too big for a try out before going big. A nano can also be a hospital or quarantine tank for the big tank later on.

Many second hand on sale in this forum too. Can go take a look. Very worth the dollar.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Bro can share ur tank n chiller size?what temp u set at? Thks  

I have a 25 gallon im lagoon tank.
Abt 100 litre in total.
Chiller using a hailea hs66.
I upsize it as I dun want the chiller to cut in too often n for too Long.
Making my fish room cooling
Set at 25 degC

Previously coral keep closing and feeling unhappy. Using aquarium fan and a standing fan. My tunze ato keep activated n I keep topping up distilled water. More costly in a Long run.

In the end, think of upsizing to minimise discomfort n CFOs complaining. Cause coral not nice, not open due to high temp.
Enjoying the poison now. Lol.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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Is about patience and determination. Try secondhand items before going serious. For yr expected small setup, consider the following:

1. What u intend to keep...type of fish(aggressive, ease care, coral safe, etc), type of corals(hardy n don't require Low temp, etc), inverts in helping to clean yr tank(abalone, Seahare, sand star, snail, etc)

2. Getting your setup .....obviously tank...then consider live rock, sand and natural sea water to speed up Cycling. Then consider mechanical filtering method(hang on filter but routine maintenance. Then the following: A. Skimmer(bubble magus qq series is good) b. Light for marine is more blue. C. Wave maker if necessary and can consider hydor nano or China controllable. D. Chiller or fan. Pico tank, not much choice for chiller n fan may be considered but think of evaporation. Test kit n supplement may be optional depending on what you keep. Do consider sustainability on water chge- salt mix or natural sea water.

3. Cycling - longer the better. No short cut. Longer Cycling gives higher succession rates. My experience is tank will go thr 2 algae bloom...brown n green and then subside. Yr tank will then be good to go. 

4. Stock up slowly....decide wat you want n research in care, compatibility , etc. Enjoys the experience. 


Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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Good tips given by fellow reefers above.


Just to share :

I have a desktop tank in the study room. About 10 gallons (40L) IOS tank. 

- 600L/hr Eheim 600 return pump

- MP10 wavemaker

- Mainly Zoas & GSP which is colorful & easy to keep. Very encouraging for new reefers.

- LED lights

- No chiller but i'd recommend one for better chance of a successful tank - and this enables more coral options that require cooler water.

- A few small fishes like Starry Blenny (to eat algae), Clown fishes.....

- No skimmer. With the bio load & available space for 'desktop' setup, weekly water change is sufficient.


Set up looks something like this


This picture is taken with a yellow lens filter in front of the camera, so colors may appear more intense.




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Good tips given by fellow reefers above.
Just to share :
I have a desktop tank in the study room. About 10 gallons (40L) IOS tank. 
- 600L/hr Eheim 600 return pump
- MP10 wavemaker
- Mainly Zoas & GSP which is colorful & easy to keep. Very encouraging for new reefers.
- LED lights
- No chiller but i'd recommend one for better chance of a successful tank - and this enables more coral options that require cooler water.
- A few small fishes like Starry Blenny (to eat algae), Clown fishes.....
- No skimmer. With the bio load & available space for 'desktop' setup, weekly water change is sufficient.
Set up looks something like this
This picture is taken with a yellow lens filter in front of the camera, so colors may appear more intense.

Hey! Thanks for sharing. The setup looks simple and easy to maintain.

Will definitely read up more before I jump right in.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, Eric Ng Yong Keong said:



Still more to learn. So start small. Prob upgrade in a year time.
25 g already quite crowded. So must plan what u want ahead.
Presenting my future quarantine tank. Lol.
Gong xi fa cai.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Very nice tank bro.. :) 

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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