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how long to acclimatize cleaner shrimp

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  • SRC Member

hi all,

i've just bought a cleaner shrimp and have just set up a drip to add tank water into the bag to acclimatize it. i know that these shrimps are sensitive creatures, so how long should i stretch out the acclimatization process. being kiasu, my drip rate is super slow now, abt a drip every 15 secs. don't think the water will even double by tomorrow morning... :pinch:

but acclimatize too long the water will foul up too in the small bag that it came in. so what's your advice?

cheers... :D

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I acclimatize all my shrimps normally take only 15 minutes. If they are newly arrived shipments I stretch it to 30 mins. Normally it's ok to pour out 1/3 of the bag water, fill it up to the original amount with your tank water. Wait for some time that you are comfortable with, look if the shrimps are behaving normally. If they seem fine then repeat the process. After doing this for 3-4 times I just pour them into my tank already.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Being lazy, i just slowly fill up the bag with water over a span of 1hr or so.

First i float the bag in my tank for around 10-15mins before opening and putting in water. I just put some water(maybe around 10% of the water from the LFS)in from my maintank into the bag. I repeat this every 15mins. So far so good. :lol: After which i may just wait awhile more(another 15mins) before adding the livestock into the tank.

Done this for all my livestock(of which 2 are cleaner shrimps) and nothing has happened yet.

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I had twice experience while trying get shrimp into tank it jump from net & kinda of free fall & landed on sand base instead of climb to rocks. then it just stay there motionless the whole time & next morining I will find it died ! Once it was a cleaner, & one is fire shrimp last night. The other fire climb to live rock is doing fine , so far.

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