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Plan for a IOS tank

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Hi all, as I m planning to set up a ios reef tank n so would like to seek some advise from experience reefers here..here is a simple draw to scale (1:10) sketch


Its gg to b a LPS n zoas theme tank cool by fan..As using back my old stuffs, my return pump is 500lph which give a turnover rate of ard 7.6x..wavemaker will b a jebao wp25..biomedia will b 1000ml of siporax..liverocks will b from my pico n fowlr tanks.. :)

Please feel free to comment ur views..cheers n thanks



@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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26 minutes ago, yukok.lim08 said:

If the overflow is only 5cm , may i know what is your target water level from top? Since you plan using fan, do count in the water evaporation rate . Once your water level below the overflow, ur submerge pump will burn

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I plan for water level to b 3cm from the top..wonder 500lph pump is too strong or weak to overflow at 2cm ..haha

As for evaporation rate, I will try to diy a ATO..for ios tank, i think the water level will drop at the last compartment where the return pump is n not at the overflow yea assuming the pump rate is constant yea.. :) thks for the advise

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Water level is lower a bit at return pump compartment is not an issue . but as i say need make sure not evaporate till below overflow as i notice this is the only water flow from DT to IOS. My current IOS no ATO and i top up 1.5litre every morning and another 1.5 litre when i back to home. So make sure ur ato is sufficient to main minimum water level. My ios has few hole at below overflow to make sure water flow to back

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Ok bro..i think ios tank shd work like sump yea..meaning the DT level at overflow will b constant n water level will drop in the return pump due to evaporation..it will then suck air n blow bubbles into the DT..further no top up will result in no water to suck then DT level at overflow will drop..thus ATO will b rig up at the return pump compartment..still think of how to rig up using gravity concept after the tank is setup yea.. :)


@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Bro Kenyee is right.

For an IOS tank, the water level at DT will remain constant.  Evaporation of water is only evident at the return pump compartment, where the water level will drop. 

Just some points to contribute, which maybe you already considered.

1) make sure your nano skimmer can fit into the space in the iOS compartment.

2) what type of light mount you using? If arm/bracket type, Which side glass(es) will the light arm/bracket be mounted on?

3) are you making a "ledge" in the first compartment, to support the filter wool?

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  • SRC Member
Bro Kenyee is right.
For an IOS tank, the water level at DT will remain constant.  Evaporation of water is only evident at the return pump compartment, where the water level will drop. 

That statement only true for using chiller. Depends how height is the divider being place, water level at DT will drop significantly inDT due to cooling fan.

I just share my personal experience as my DT water level is dropping more than 1cm and below overflow due to evaporation from cooling fan . However my IOS do have more hole below overflow to allow water passing to back to prevent no water goes to back. Just that water level below overflow will cause i lose the surface skimming function.

Kenyee IOS design only allow water go to Compartment through overflow thus need take care evaporation rate into consideration

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Interesting sharing bro..i have yet to own a ios thus unable to share my experience but din know that cooling fan will cause DT water level to drop as my 5ft fowlr oso use fan at DT but water level constant and so is there a diff in sump n ios setup?

Thanks bro DottyClown for those pointers..they are indeed helpful n worth a thought thru :) 

@ 291213

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IOS the divider height, overflow height will determine the return pump water level and also DT water level.

I guess ur 5ft water level not significant as bigger tank one 1cm is like alot litre water thus not obvious. For smaller tank, 1 cm on top overflow may be just few litre water.

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I think this design also is to prevent the issue i mention. Take from facebook selling thread.
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Thks for the sharing..i think the design of the ios play a part oso..shall see how it goes yea :) will consult my tank maker about this too..overall the ATO shd b set at the return pump area so as to prevent it running dry..

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@ 291213

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This is very good sharing.

I am also running an IOS tank and using a fan to cool.  Attached is my tank design.

My design, similar to bro Kenyee, only have an overflow on the top.  The return pump (last chamber) will always pump water into the DT and the water can only escape from DT via the top overflow into the IOS 1st chamber.  Water loss in DT will be replenished by the return pump.  That is why the DT water level will always remain constant and any water loss can only be seen by water level drop in the return pump chamber.  Our ATO will also be located at the return pump chamber.

For bro Yukok, I believe because you also have an "opening/underflow" that allows water to enter the IOS from below, thus your DT water level will equalize with the water level in your IOS chamber(s).  That is why you see DT water level drop due to evaporation.  In your case, if you install an ATO, I think it would need to be installed in the 1st or 2nd chamber or the DT itself.

2ft Tank Design.jpeg

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Attached is my nano tank.  My tank maker used black tinted glass for the DT/IOS divider, which I didn't like, but since its done......  so I can see the water in my IOS through the DT.

You can see that the DT water level is fixed by the overflow in the first chamber (left side),.  You can also see the return chamber (on the right side) has a much different water level than the DT.  This water level will drop with evaporation, not the DT water level.


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Yes, only have Radioactive BN and Purple Digi. But the Digi color less purple now than when first got it. I not using chiller nor dosing, so only try easy SPS for fun.

Tank temperature range from 25 on rainy days to 29 on super hot days.

Pump is Sicce Syncra 1.5 with 357 GPM.

No tank thread. Mine simple tank only.

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  • SRC Member
12 minutes ago, DottyClown said:

Yes, only have Radioactive BN and Purple Digi. But the Digi color less purple now than when first got it. I not using chiller nor dosing, so only try easy SPS for fun.

Tank temperature range from 25 on rainy days to 29 on super hot days.

Pump is Sicce Syncra 1.5 with 357 GPM.

No tank thread. Mine simple tank only.

Nice bro..i will try some simple SPS for fun too in the new tank..haha

Ur tank is at a cooling place yea..ur cooling fan on 247?

Nice pump with ard 15x turnover..think i need to upsize my pump yea..how big is ur return pipe? 

Thks :) 

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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I think the main issue is between the divider height of return pump chamber and overflow heigh. If the divider is lower than de overflow height, DT water level will drop before last chamber water drop. And it happen for my IOS tank

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Yea, the position considered cool location and fan is 24/7 on. If not, no way to get as low as 25. Unless my thermometer is wrong haha. Bad thing with fan is, my evaporation is about 1.5l per day.

Can't remember the tubing size, maybe 3/8" or 1/2", not sure.

Pump size be careful not to over size. Need to see how fast your overflow allows water to flow out of your DT. If pump too strong compared to overflow rate, you will push up the water level in DT, or worst cause water to overflow from the tank. But I guess you could adjust the min-max of your pump.

Oh, you probably already considered liao, but just in case, do make sure your return chamber have enough space for whatever pump you getting.

Space is a premium estate in nano tank. So need plan carefully as not much space for error.

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Look like a 60-90L nano tank avg evaporation rate using cooling fan is 1.5L/day..my pico is 1.5L/week..hmm

As I using a old pump (used for my ATO donkey years ago) which is 500lph, flow rate shd not overflow the DT ba..haha..anyway, think if upsize can consider dc pump which can adjust yea..13cm by 11cm shd b able to house a 3000lph pump yea :) 

Agreed that nano tank space is premium..must have careful planning yea

@ 291213

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Things pondering in my mind......

Crystal or normal glass...

Clear or black silicon...

Dimension of the IOS (2 or 3 compartments & measurement between the divider)...

Any advice or comment are greatly appreciated.. :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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2 hours ago, fatphotoboy said:

Probably crystal glass on the front side (if there's a constraint)? black silicon will look more class?

Thks bro..

I had ordered my tank..6mm 3 side crystal glass with clear silicon..wanted a more seamless look n hope to achieve that.. :)

As for the ios compartment, still unknown to me yet..my tank maker AA will plan for me..

Next thinking is what wavemaker to use..haha..looking at tunze nanostream 6040 or jebao rw4? :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
Thks bro..
I had ordered my tank..6mm 3 side crystal glass with clear silicon..wanted a more seamless look n hope to achieve that..
As for the ios compartment, still unknown to me yet..my tank maker AA will plan for me..
Next thinking is what wavemaker to use..haha..looking at tunze nanostream 6040 or jebao rw4?

I have both of them and currently using 6040. Both are just fine wavemakers but the tunze has more control. The corals somehow prefer the wave patterns of the tunze and extend themselves more. I think it can mimic the reef flow better. The downside is that the tunze is slightly larger but your tank size should not be an issue. My tank is the IM 10g size. All the best!

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