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What Causes Fin Rot...

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One of my rainfordi goby got fin rot today morning when i was feeding them... Den it died in the afternoon... I was hoping it will heal by itself but it died... Is there anything to cure it or prevent it...

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Fin Rot is a bacteria that attacks the fins and in extreme cases, the body. This bacteria is usually the result of environmental stress such as poor water quality, bullying, etc. Part of treating this illness is early detection. If left untreated, secondary infections can occur. Fin or tail rot can also be a secondary infection caused by stress from other diseases. There are many different ways that harmful bacteria can enter your aquarium, some fish at the pet store will look perfectly normal but harbor harmful bacteria that the fish has become immune to, and will release the bacteria through its feces in your tank. However, healthy fish will be able to fight off the bacteria with little trouble. If only a few fish infected, it is best to move them from the main tank, and place them in a bare hospital tank for treatment, but in most cases a hospital tank is not an accessible. Fish should never be given low dosages of medications over a long period of time, this could cause the bacteria to become immune to medications.

Think ever come across the medicine "Melafix"(not sure is it spell this way) at Petmart. Did mentioned as capable of treatin fin rot. U can try it out. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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Melafix can be used with corals. It's a natural plant extract. I have used it in my reef tank before without any problems. Just that your skimmer will foam excessively. Best to off it during treatment.

Always something more important than fish.


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