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J's 50 Gallon Reef


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Hi everyone,

After seeing all the wonderful tanks on this forum and much contemplation, decided to also post my setup.

The tank has been up and running for about a year, gone through many different issues, and am still constantly learning about this hobby. After the recent deaths of some of my lifestock and some of my LPS corals(from an over-eager hungry Coral Beauty). Decided to give away the remaining of my fishes. Slowly stocking my tank back with fishes and also decided to try keeping SPS corals :P. Below is my current FTS. (Pardon the rocks in the front, currently still seeding my new rock)



Tank dimensions are 28x18x20(inches). 

Equipment List-

Lighting: Maxspect Razor 130W

Protein Skimmer: Bubble Magus C3.5

Reactor: Bubble Magus Mini 80 (Running AIO biopellets)

Wavemaker: Ecotech MP10wQD

Chiller: Artica 1/10HP

Biomedia: Bacteria King

Additives: Aquaforest Basic Kit



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8 hours ago, Willy Guccivera Yap said:

Your Blasto are beautiful :)
What's your maxspec light setting ! Care to share :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks! Haha :lol:

Currently at W:75% and B:60% for the most part of the lighting cycle.


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  • 4 weeks later...

A short update on my current tank.

Lost two frags of SPS due to changing the reactor's biopellets(removed 50% and added in the same amount). Lesson learned that sps frags aren't able to stand such a strong fluctuations in nitrate/phosphate level which the AIO biopellets undoubtedly created as compared to my LPS. Will do a smaller change in biopellets to ensure that there is stability in water parameters. Also recently picked up two new SPS mini colonies from recent adventures to the farm. Both seem to be doing well with good polyp extension and is looking healthy. Been in the tank for about a week. 


Recently, my ricordea florida split, as shown below. After reading online on the different ways to get the coral to stick. Decided to try out a new method from what i usually do, (glue the coral to rock). Simple method which is to use a simple plastic container(with holes to ensure flow). Place some rocks inside, followed by the coral inside, and ensure that the container is in a low flow area. After 3-4 days, coral should stick on the rock. Re-using this method on some of my other yumas as well and they all managed to successfully stick on the rock.





Also purchased some new lighting(AI Hydra) as I feel that the Maxspect lighting which is currently running at around 80% for both Blue and White is insufficient for the SPS in the long term. Will update with new pictures of the SPS when the lighting comes. :lol:

For all the fellow reefers who are using AI Hydra, can share your current settings that you're using. Thanks!:D 

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Zeeman said:

Bro Jon, I'm out of the reef game and planning to convert my freshwater to a reef tank. Is there any system that you're using? 

Hi Bro, do you have any prior experience with saltwater tanks?

If you do have experience, it really depends on the type of corals you want to keep (LPS,SPS or Softies). I currently run a hybrid system (in terms of maintenance: Bacteria dosing, water changes, etc). When i started with LPS, i mainly relied on 10-20% water changes weekly to maintain stable parameters. If you are like me venturing into SPS as well, i would highly recommend using the Aquaforest system (salt, additives, etc). Currently using most of their products with excellent results.

Hope i managed to answer your question! :lol: 

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Small update!

Did a recent upgrade to my lightings to the AI Hydra 52. Very satisfied with how it currently is and it really help brings out the colour of my corals (currently still acclimatising the corals to the new light). Also recently purchased some new sps corals from the recent shipment! Really loving the new colours. 


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