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Week 5 - 28th March to 4th April 2004

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  • SRC Member

any1 went 2 ML yestday???

wonder wat henry hv left. since he'z not open 2day, i might wanna drop by 2molo but it wld b better if u bro in here can update me wat can i expect 2 c when i go 2molo

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  • SRC Member

Went to ML on Sat...was told that he was play out by supplier last wk....not much stock...got a few algae blenny,black cap basslet (v.nice...got 1 frm there) :lol: , ghost shrimp and clownfish and many many plate coral. Anyway i tink they're open on mondays....but @ 4pm. :D

Sunday went to LCK 110 & CF.

LCK 110 got many PB Tang, Cleaner Shrimp. And saw their quarantine stock got many purple fire gobies.

CF got many anthias and cleaner shrimp.


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  • SRC Member
Went to ML on Sat...was told that he was play out by supplier last wk....not much stock...got a few algae blenny,black cap basslet (v.nice...got 1 frm there) :lol: , ghost shrimp and clownfish and many many plate coral. Anyway i tink they're open on mondays....but @ 4pm. :D

Sunday went to LCK 110 & CF.

LCK 110 got many PB Tang, Cleaner Shrimp. And saw their quarantine stock got many purple fire gobies.

CF got many anthias and cleaner shrimp.


bro, u sure it's a black cap basslet? cos it's really rare. even more so than royal grammas. how much u bought it for?

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  • SRC Member
i think what u got is a fridmani pseudochromis. not a black cap basslet...

if it is fridmani pseudochromis, then how did they come up with the 'black cap'? .. fridmani pseudochromis do not have black cap but dark blue or purple head..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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