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New to SG reef forum. New Aquarium, New hope.

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Good evening SG reef community, I would like to extend my warmest regards to forumers here new and old.

I have tried keeping a marine aquarium before but it was not successful. I think this is probably because i used tap water. This time as my budget allow, i decided to use Alpheus distilled water to fill up my 30 gallon tank mixed with red sea reef salt.

I don't have much in my tank but I will fill in more live rocks as time goes by.

I would gladly receive any ideas, suggestions, tips on what's the best way to go forward.

I got my items on the cheap and here they are:

JBJ 30 gallon Nano rimless tank.

JBJ Ocean Plus Duo wave maker

JBJ Accella SP1-1000 submersible power heads (2 of them)

Biocube protein skimmer with air stone and air pump

unknown no name LED 54 watts from taobao (12 blue 6 white)

cheap aquazonic led lights for my chaeto for on the back filter.ad6dad12ec99e5c829942e456cdbd60a.jpg

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Welcome kapemasadap !
I don't know where to start cause you didn't show any parameter about your tank but still I can share my experience how to have successful reef tank.
1st patient. We always tend to shop a lot and add ALOT stuff at once not knowing that fish need time to acclimate and the bacteria need time to cultivate for higher load.
We often put fish without quarantine therefore disease outbreak might kill most of the fish. Lastly it's always the compatibility of tangs angel wrasse causing them to fight .
Not to forget the size of the tank.

For corals it's always about parameter , temperature , lights and flow.
This is generally what's the problem with reef tank and most of it is always ourself overstocking the tank.
First I would suggest change your light to a wider spread. It doesn't have to have brand you can spend around 100 and get a light with timer would be so much better?
Maybe you should get more rock if you have people donating rock that's better but do cycle the rock else it's going to smell cause you won't know the origin . I don't believe in pest free live rock so I often soak my rock at high salinity to kill the pest first.
With more rock you have more bacteria to cultivate in it to have a bigger colony to support the system.

What's the temperature of your water?

Enjoy reefing !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1st look at the pic was "UFO" sia..haha..nice effect but cant b permanent to maintain a reef tank..maybe can lift it higher? Or issit delibrate to have dark area by the side so as to keep deep water species?

Anyway..really interested to know more about your setup..pls share more photos n videos :)

Cheers n happy reefing

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I do not have any testing kit except for the hydrometer with swinging arm to estimate the salinity of the water.

Perhaps if there are all in one testing kit in the market that i could buy to test for further parameters?

the fishes seemed fine and the water has slowly started to clear up. i haven't seen any deaths yet and i hope i won't. I do not know what zoas or mushroom and sea anemone that i have at the moment but they all seemed to be doing just fine and opening up.

As for the lights the beam appears focused because of the lens attachment that came with it. I have tried to take the lens off and the lights does spread throughout the tank. However without the light beaming directly on the zoanthids, i noticed that not all of them would open up. with the light beaming concentrated on the zoanthids, all of them would up. I'll definitely try to save up to purchase a proper lighting when i can afford it.

Anyways guys i just bought a new aquarium chiller today on the cheap for 100 bucks. it's a boyu L-075. I can't seem to find lots of information regarding this chiller on the internet. I haven't hooked it up yet until i learn more on using it properly.

Anyone by any chance have used this chiller by Boyu before?

here's a photo of the chiller and printed specs. not sure if they are overrated. my tank capacity is 30 US gallon. 5763573838c79f777b2dd6da4a2305f9.jpg


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Hi, welcome here! I think you need to increase the amount of rocks as most of the fishes will look for a hole to take a rest every night. The fishes will also feel more at ease when they have a hole of their own when they feel that they are in danger.

Tank: 3.5ft x 2ft x 1.5ft, 12mm

Sump: 3ft

Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 7

Lightings: Maxspect 15000k

Return Pump: Eheim 1252

Wavemaker: Jebao WP25, Jebao RW-8

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Added oceanrevive arctic T247 and a piece of liverock thanks to our reefer ID Seafront for his kindness and hospitality.

Added tube worm to the tank addition and hopefully things will really take off from now.

Haven't bought any testing kits yet but so far so good.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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5 hours ago, kapemasarap said:



Added oceanrevive arctic T247 and a piece of liverock thanks to our reefer ID Seafront for his kindness and hospitality.

Added tube worm to the tank addition and hopefully things will really take off from now.

Haven't bought any testing kits yet but so far so good.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I had a closer look at your zoa in the above photo compared to your photo posted on 25 Nov. The zoa don't look as healthy as the earlier photo. Just to check did you dip your zoa. They are known to come with pests?

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I had a closer look at your zoa in the above photo compared to your photo posted on 25 Nov. The zoa don't look as healthy as the earlier photo. Just to check did you dip your zoa. They are known to come with pests?

Yeah Bro. Most seemed to have closed up. The tanks been running from scartch since the day this thread was opened. Initially I thought they were not getting used to this tank and no they haven't been dipped. What could be crawling on the zoas?

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20 hours ago, kapemasarap said:


Yeah Bro. Most seemed to have closed up. The tanks been running from scartch since the day this thread was opened. Initially I thought they were not getting used to this tank and no they haven't been dipped. What could be crawling on the zoas?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Look out for zoa nudi or sundial snail. For sundial snail remove zoa and inspect closely should be easy to spot. For nudi a little more difficult because they are goo a camouflage. Sometimes you may see them crawling on the glass. Use a torch when the lights are off. Better still if you have a torch with blue light.

zoa nudi.jpg

sundial snail.png

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