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add new fish

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I have 4 Damsel and 1 clown which I bring in to my tank when 1st time I set up my tank. But after that I add in new fish all not successful. I tried goby, doctor fish and clown also. All unable to stay in the tank for 2 days. Any advise how shd I overcome this?

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  • SRC Member

You did not mention the size of your tank.

I will assume it's not large. Clowns and damsels once established will generally be quite territorial. Unless u have sufficient tank or hiding space, it sounds like you are around the limit.

By doctor fish, i am assume u mean the cleaner wrasse. That little one was probably doomed from the moment it left the ocean. 90% will never survive in an aquarium. WHEN THE BUYING STOPS, THEN THE KILLING STOPS.


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You did not mention the size of your tank.

I will assume it's not large. Clowns and damsels once established will generally be quite territorial. Unless u have sufficient tank or hiding space, it sounds like you are around the limit.

By doctor fish, i am assume u mean the cleaner wrasse. That little one was probably doomed from the moment it left the ocean. 90% will never survive in an aquarium. WHEN THE BUYING STOPS, THEN THE KILLING STOPS.


totally agree. survival rate of cleaner wrasse is very low in captivity.

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  • SRC Member
Most cleaner wrasse don't survive in captivity, guess your friend was lucky that his ate flakes.

Mine was feeding well on frozen brineshrimp, and kept it for weeks until it jumped out of the tank.. already lost 3 fishes due to jumping..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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somethings might not happen to u but happen to some others..

like mine got a doctor fish in my old tank,but died..

when i got my new tank all my fishes got quite serious ich and i introduce a doctor fish in and it survived,even feeding on flakes too. :)

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yeah, added a doctor fish and only get to see for about five minutes. almost a week now, still no sign of it.

can i resign to the fact that it has died and body concealed somewhere amongst the rocks ?

sorry hwcheong, stole your thread, but thought we can share some experience and grief here .... :lol::lol:;)

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