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On 11/10/2016 at 1:16 AM, josephwzr said:

Hi guys, after much contemplation, I have decided to start my very first tank thread. Before I begin, let me introduce more about myself :) I'm currently 16 years old, still studying(of course), and it isn't very easy to keep up with the hobby due to the heavy expenses. But with the support of my friends and family, I've made it thus far.

I first started off a 16litre tank last year, but soon upgraded due to the limitations of fish and corals I can keep, and I realised that it is not very practical to keep such a small tank(physically draining and aesthetically unpleasant).

To Start off, my current tank is a 2 ft Cube(Yes Its still quite small, but decent enough for me) with sump and cabinet. All photos will be taken by my iPhone 6s Plus, so please bear with the lousy quality! Below are the list of equipments that i'm using,



  • Lights - Radions xr30 Pro
  • Wavemaker - Vortech MP40 wQD
  • Return pump - Vectra M1
  • Skimmer - Deltec SC1456
  • Biological Media - Marine Pure


Oh dear your equipment easily cost above 3k. Over kill :) for a 2ft 

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Oh dear your equipment easily cost above 3k. Over kill  for a 2ft 

I don't think spending too much is considered overkill. Unless you're trying to imply that small tanks cannot use "top notch" equipments. I find that whatever I have now is perfect, in fact I'm thinking of buying another mp40 hahaha
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16 hours ago, josephwzr said:

I don't think spending too much is considered overkill. Unless you're trying to imply that small tanks cannot use "top notch" equipments. I find that whatever I have now is perfect, in fact I'm thinking of buying another mp40 hahahaemoji4.png

Nah. Don't get me wrong. It always nice to know that all these equipment are compile into it nicely.

Since most equipment had been purchased, what other livestocks are you planning to add into your current tank?

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Nah. Don't get me wrong. It always nice to know that all these equipment are compile into it nicely.
Since most equipment had been purchased, what other livestocks are you planning to add into your current tank?

Hahah don't worry about it :) right now I'm only planning to add a chaoti wrasse.
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Forgot to mention, here are the livestocks I have in my tank :)

-Yellow Tang
-Kole Eye Tang

-Black ice clown(looking for small on to pair with this)

-6x Purple queen anthias

-Splendid Leopard Wrasse

-Yellow Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp pair

-Cleaner shrimp
-Coral banded shrimp

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Forgot to mention, here are the livestocks I have in my tank

-Yellow Tang
-Kole Eye Tang

-Black ice clown(looking for small on to pair with this)

-6x Purple queen anthias

-Splendid Leopard Wrasse

-Yellow Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp pair

-Cleaner shrimp
-Coral banded shrimp

It's about time u convert into a sps dominated tank

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  • SRC Member
14 hours ago, josephwzr said:

Forgot to mention, here are the livestocks I have in my tank :)

-Yellow Tang
-Kole Eye Tang

-Black ice clown(looking for small on to pair with this)

-6x Purple queen anthias

-Splendid Leopard Wrasse

-Yellow Watchman Goby and pistol shrimp pair

-Cleaner shrimp
-Coral banded shrimp

great can't wait to see more pic of it.

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Haha thanks
Taking a break from your revision? Reefkeeping is a good way to take a break. BTW I can assure you this will not be you last rescape. Reefers have this habit of moving things around in their tank.

Yup, definitely not satisfied with this, will be adding more rocks soon!
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