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The terrifying silent killer

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  • SRC Member

My tank got hit by Velvet, and almost all the fish are dead except the angel fish which I previously place on copper treatment.

It came when I spotted some white spot on the majestic angel, and quickly was put in QT for 7 days using copper and feed him. Once he appear okay and is eating, I transfer it back to the DT because I saw my clownfishes showing the same white spot and is not eating and sinking to the floor bed, and I also need the QT for the clownfishes this time.

Unfortunately the first clownfish died in the QT overnight, and 2 more clownfishes was spotted with same white spot but is still eating. Decided to let them fight the disease in the DT and uses Polyp Lab Medic to help cure the DT.

Spent more time trying to understand what disease hit my tank by searching the Internet and to my horror it appears to be the notorious Velvet parasites.

The moment I came home, realised the 2 clownfishes died and now my Coral Beauty showing this white spot... omg.... decided to freshwater dip the Coral Beauty and place it in the QT and dose copper, this morning woke up, it is lying on the tank bed motionless....

Now only my majestic angel still show healthy sign and is eating..... continue to dose Polyp Lab Medic in the DT for at least 14 days... hopefully the angel stay alive.

The lesson learned, quarantine fishes before placing into DT is a definite must, if no space to put in QT, don't buy more new fishes.

Also, Velvet is the most deadly disease I seen so far, killing rate is very high and fast. If you do not detect it at its initial stage (just a few white dots) and starts treatment, chances are fishes will died within next 2-3 days. Treatment is quite useless when you see white spot spreaded on the body.

If my angel also cannot fight this disease, it's time to fallow my main tank.

Sad sharing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • SRC Member

Sad to hear this. My tank also suspected been hit by velvet 2 months ago. Restarted totally fresh without fishes except using back the same rocks. Fallow for 45 days and then start introducing fishes and yet it came back last week. I am trying to fallow my tank again for another 60 - 90 days to be safe. However 3 of my blue eye Cardinal seem to be immune to this disease. Now need to catch them to be copper for 30 days.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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