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Overflow Box

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  • SRC Member

I decided I want to use a sump for my existing 3' tank, but I cannot drill hole on my tank. So the option for me is to get a Overflow Box.

Like to know any recommendation of which type of overflow box is good, need to be very robust against siphon break.

Also I currently have a designer cabinet housing my tank, so it's obvious that I will put the sump inside the cabinet compartment, that involves cutting the back wooden board of my cabinet and so on.

My biggest concern is that I am not a DIY guy, and so I don't know how to put piping from overflow box to the sump tank. Like to know if there is any LFS that offer custom fitting overflow box, adding sump tank and all piping on an existing 3' tank and cabinet.

Anyone can recommend me if such service exist? Obviously all the spare parts, overflow box and sump tank I will have to buy from this person.

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Hi Josephwzr, you mean AA is willing to convert my existing tank to add in a sump with overflow box and still make use of my existing cabinet.
It will be great if they can do it !!

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I was in your same position of using existing 3ft tank and added a skimz overflow box. It has its own issues.

I'd suggest getting a new tank/sump. But reuse the cabinet. The cabinet is usually the expensive item

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Hi SubzeroLT, you think LFS like AA will agree to build a tank using my cabinet? This cabinet is quite exp, spent >$3k just for the cabinet.
I will be most glad if LFS can do that.

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It is the material and thickness of the wood that make it this design. This is not standard wooden cabinet.
But in anyway, there is a middle support but is more to the right side separating the cabinet and drawers.

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  • SRC Member

From the pic I can see that the cabinet was not originally designed for an aquarium. A sturdy cabinet for aquarium should preferably have a timber frame. Looks like yours is having timber panels only. And if I am not wrong I can already see some slight sagging on the top panel supporting the tank. Suggest you take a spirit level and check that the top panel is still flat. Better be safe than sorry bro. 

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To do a quick check shut the two doors of the cabinet. Observe the top edges of the two doors to see if they are aligned. You should also observe the gap between the top edge and the top panel. Is the top edge parallel to the top panel? If not then these may be signs of sagging.

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Thanks for the concern on the cabinet, the material of the wood speaks for all the difference in holding weights, likely the toughest wood you can find in Indo furniture material.

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  • SRC Member

The TK500 is enough for my 3' tank which is narrower and short.
If you go for 3x2x2 or 3x2x1.8, than it struggle a bit. You will need TK1000 to be efficient.

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