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recommendation For Tanks

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  • SRC Member

Hi just wanted to start a thread for people who wish to customise a tank with cabinet . Anyone with good recommendation pls pop in to suggest and name of person to contact thank u

WOonMing :evil:

The below list are some i gather ..

i would like to ask if anyone know anything about the workmanship of either Mr Lim and MrDerrick both from arofanatics ... all post of help would greatly appreciated .. Thanks :peace:

Tanks Makers *customize*

Most of the cupboard is made of solid plywood

Mr Lim

Hp: 91065198

All are 10mm thickness

Pricing 4ft by 2ft by 2ft $300 (cupboard $400) total $700

Pricing 3ft by 2ft by 2ft $240 (cupboard $350) total $590

Pricing 2ft by 2ft by 2ft $200 (cupboard $300) total $500

Mr Derrick Oh

Hp: 94876388

All are 10mm thickness

Pricing 4ft by 2ft by 2ft $240 (cupboard $710) total $950

Pricing 3ft by 2ft by 2ft $180 (cupboard $450) total $630

Pricing 2ft by 2ft by 2ft $160 (cupboard $380) total$540

Mr Money

Hp: 98581239

All are 10mm thickness

Pricing 4ft by 2ft by 2ft $220

Pricing 3ft by 2ft by 2ft $180

Mr Yazid

Hp: 91058382

All are 10mm thickness

Pricing 4ft by 2ft by 2ft $210

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  • SRC Member

'Solid plywood' is an oxymoron! :lol:


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  • SRC Member


I called Derrick up once last month while I was looking for a tank, and he said his cabinets were made of real solid wood, hence the price. Haven't heard from any of his customers though. Yah .. what's solid plywood? :shock: In any case, I think those cabinets and tanks may be made for freshwater use rather than for marine. So maybe it would be a good idea to get whichever tankmaker you employ to customise a bit - like adding Euro-bracing on the top of the tank, and adding extra support pillars for the cabinet.


Hong Yee

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  • SRC Member

I thought it's quite funny.

Oxymoron - A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.


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  • SRC Member

Ah i am not sure too but the term "solid plywood" was given to me when i ask what type of material was use . i was also explain that the counter part "marine plywood" was too expensive to be use thus some it was being replace with solid plywood ...

As for Mr Derrick he told me his price was so much higher cause his main frame was using solid wood and then cover with solid plywood ..

Can someone suggest some tank makers along with cabinet and the person contact number please thanksss

wooNmINg :evil:

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  • SRC Member

Hi: WoonMing: You have a v. gd suggestion here. :) I am planning to set up a new tank too , looking high and low try to locate the cheapest and the best workmanship that we can find in S'pore.. :ph34r::fear:

We really need some good recommendation :paiseh: appreciate if someone came help. it will be much better with some pic. :paiseh:

WM: Is all the tank you mention come with overflow ( hole dill ) and sump? Mr. lim $$ look good to me, what you think. THANKS

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  • SRC Member

Hi cool water maybe before u would like to purchase any of the above tank maker i posted pls PM to contact me beforehand so i can order along and we can bargin for cheaper price ..

i am currently kinda confuse with MR Lim and MR Derrick price range as i wont wan a 4feet tank to come crashing on me .....


Thus maybe some people can suggest some tank makers out there :)

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Hi Woonming and Cool water,

do SMS me your contacts, I'm looking for a 4ft tank as well, looking for a bulk discount, but what ready matters is the workmanship. We can share price and consolidate our orders.

Mobile: 9755-7784



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  • SRC Member

I looking for a 5 x 2 x 2.. Maybe can add my quote in?

As for solid plywood thing..


2 pieces of wood, with wood shavings in between..

I dunn think it's anything that SOLID about that..

I think there is only what we call Normal Plywood and Marine Plywood..

Normal plywood..

Found in your kitchen cabinets.. with foamaca.. Once kena water, over time, will rot and give way..

Marine Ply,

Always found in the navy.. :D

Kena water won't rot so easily, once found a piece adrift.. Looks like its been floating around for a very long time.. But the edges are still intact.. No signs of peeling..

Thats' a marine ply..


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  • SRC Member

i guess a normal plywood will do but maybe for those who worry like me :)

hehe i will ask for a thicker plywood and more beam insdie to enforce it :) also marine ply is too expensive ...

but if you were to think you arent or wont be going to bath the cabinet in salt water or going to spray water around it ... thus i dont think it will peel or be soak insdie ...

i am going for the either mr lim or derrick

if anyone is interested pls let me know so we can order along as bargain cheaper thks



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  • SRC Member

Guys i just check okie this is the price or rather the deal!

mr derrick 4 by 2 by 2by 12mm thick

he claims he is using screws that wont rust in ur cabin , germen slicon glue , soild wood as the main frame insdie the cabine and cover with his so call solid plywood , not marine ply .. nice glass edges finishes and 1 hole drill insdie with a internal overflow box insdie . without hood above but just skitting around it .. with pipes and transportation to ur place oh ya with euro bracers .

for $1200 lowest i bargin !

mr lim with the above mention except without solid wood as main frame just his so call solid plywood for cabine 900 to 1k :(

pls make a decision as i think i am just going for lims ....

ply wood will be cover with formica to the colour u like


sorry for the spelling error as i was at work :)

have a good day :evil:

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  • SRC Member

sorry to post again ! after having a talk with mr lim i think i am going for his tank

with those spec i mention above for $ 950 with transportation :cry::cry::cry::cry::pinch::pinch:

once again i am asking for these specs.

black formica

euro bracing around the sides (without the middle beam)

2 hole drills

12mm -- 4 by 2 by 2 feets (thinking of 4 by 2.5 by 2) greedy :yeah:

plywood cabint ( i am scare so i am asking for a thicker wood) kiasu hehe :P

no light or cover hood just skirtting

i am also placing the tanks in the middle of the house thus i need to have doors on both sides :( (more $$$)

Mr Lims claims

he is using japan glass thus his tank cost more then other in which they are using green glass (low grade)

he is using clear slicon ( black slicon is not recommended for lrg tanks)

he is using rust proof nails to join the cabinet (the scary part )

transportation included

1 to 1.5weeks job time

if u wan a slump itis about 100plus more for a 3 feet

all the above is claims from him :)

i shall draw up my tank pic and meet him somewhere next week :)

pls contact me by PM or SMS 97800191 if ur interested

*cross my fingers*

anyone with a better deal pls pls let me know okie before i pay :(

Thanks a thousand


WOonming :evil:

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  • SRC Member
  woonming said:
Let all meet up one day and chat over okie


WooNmIng :evil:

Hi: Guys

Looks like we will be ordering our tank in 40 footed contaner shipment :yeah: woonming: this topic works is great, we found alot of " peng you" .

My hp: 9646 8603. welcome to meet at my place. ( if don't know where to go) Fish friend is always a good friend.

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  Dragonet said:
Marine plywood will cost significantly more than other types of cabinet material. Sealife quoted about 2K for a 4x2x2 overflow system housed with a marine ply cabinet. But the material definitely looks solid and offers peace of mind.


I ever DIY my own wood work -> Cabinet & even shoe-Rack......of course before I got married. Trust me the price of wood is dirt cheap when compare to the overall price of your system! a 4x2x2 ft system in a marine grade ply-wood, My estimate on the wood material itself is less than 150 bucks! If you ever go New Trio(LCK 110), spend sometime asking for price of wood along the kranji industial area...U will be damn!

The frame maker where I make my fish tank drive a new Mercedes E class 240....talk about the cost of glass!

Profit layers as follows:

Glass or wood importer: 30% ~ 70% profit

wood or glass wholesaler : 30% ~ 2X profit

Woodwork or glass tank manufacturer: 50% profit

Retail/LFS: 50% ~ 2X profit

consumer: be damn and pay !

So...think about it, how much the cost of the material? The cost of material is not linear to the price and workmanship of the overall marine system setup. That's part of the reason for DIY.

Pet :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::angry::angry:

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