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Shun's newly revamped 1100L Triton outdoor tank


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Now, the result from my 1st Triton test is out

It is time to do some correction towards recommended value.

Here is my dosing plan for next 4 days as recommended by Triton test result.b10a6025defac7a83019b6fc2faaa9b7.jpg65bf9015ad41c9d7a02fb1d93bd8b267.jpg5f9a4c7b7d4f96ffb67c749ed67438bf.jpg

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More pic of the Gem! One of my fav fishes.

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2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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According to the Triton test result, I have high Barium in the water which is not ideal for the system. So I use AL99 to observe it to reduce the value. However, my Po4 is low as well, so I need to feed more to cope with reactor now.

Will see if it works out.

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Hi bro, nice big tank u have :) since u did a total clean up and restarted your tank with artificial rocks do u know the source of barium ?

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Actually, I also wonder.
Can't be salt mix, and I used RODI, only thing I add was some bacteria when I started the tank.

Since I don't know where it is coming from, I decided to use AL99 to observe Barium instead of doing water change..

How strange..

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I see the triton result u posted. It says your phosphate is slightly Low and to increase feeding. If u use AL99 wouldn't cause your po4 to drop further?

I once had this barium issue. Till today I can't of a reasonable source that causes it lol

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Yes. You are right.
So while I'm using AL99 to observe barium, I'm feeding more food to fishes to encourage PO4 also. Now I monitor PO4 and No3 every morning before feeding.

If I do one thing, others may go wrong, so trying to balance things out here.

If you are also Triton user, you may know using DETOX may be an option too. But now I have precious Ventrails Anthias in the tank, so I don't want to risk it....

When you had this issue, how did you manage?

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I guess best is to do water change with Triton Salt.... But they are not cheap lol

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I wasn't using triton. I was using zeovit that time. When I send my water for triton test my tank was already in a very bad shape lol as good as no sps can survive. I activated the holy reset button, decom zeovit and went back to basic just Cheetos and lots of biomedia no funky method till now but thinking of fauna marine zeo-light system now lol

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Fauna maybe good too. They offer water testing as well right?

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I believe only triton is able to provide such detailed water test at this moment haha now seeing your success with triton makes me tempt to try triton system too lol would be great if u will allow me to visit you and see your system

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Suggested solution from Triton was to use AL99 to absorb them.

However, AL99 also remove Po4, so if your system is running lo on Po4, you need to maintain value around 0.03ppm by feeding more...

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I would rather do a wc to reduce barium concentration IF there is a hobbyist test kit to monitor it because by using AL99 to absorb it it's also at the same time exhausted faster due to feeding more which isn't really logical to me. But then again choice is limited lol so it's either this or that.

But then again which ever method, finding the source of barium would be the only Long term solution so that we can eliminate/minimise the issue. High concentration of barium wouldn't do the corals any good

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Nice, the yellow tangs are waiting for you too.


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