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moving my tank


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  • SRC Member

have to move my 3ft tank out of my room into the living room cuz its distracting and mum says it is bad for my sleep...

the problem is mainly moving the refugium with the sand (100+kg) out of the room and it also would mean that the refugium will have to move with the sand and STAND all together...

how is that possible? :(

another option is to setup a new tank in living room (i prefer this one :lol: ) and slowly transfer the sfuff over cuz sturring up the dsb would most likely kill everything in the tank right?

after which i sell the existing tank off...

the problems i will face would be getting a chiller for the new tank as there will be no aircon in the living room to cool my tank down... :erm:

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  • SRC Member

Is you room and the living room on the same level?

If so, Remove as much water, live stock , live rocks etc.. as you can. Get or borrow 2 trolleys. Get a friend to lift ones side of your tank and place the trolley underneath. Do the same with the other side with the other trolley. Then slowly push to your living room. Surly this can work. Leave the sand in the Refugium.

Unless of cause you’re using this as an excuse to get another tank to setup. :evil::yeah:

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  • SRC Member

you mean the stand and refugium and sand will be moved together on the trolley?

thats really heavy!


i'd rather start the new tank and slowly transfer...

roidan advises that too...

maybe then i can upgrade... ;)

but anymore suggestions or ways to move big tank out with out removing sand and refugium from stand? <_<

Thanks guys!

(thanks Ian) :P

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  • SRC Member

I think there's a product whereby you place this product on your stand leg and just push the whole tank and stand around. But I do not know the weight limitation of it. It's supposed to be use on furniture and cupboard. I do not know the brand or name of it but try looking around. Saw it once advertised on tv.

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  • SRC Member

thanks guys...

anyone with experience of moving tank successfully before?

like remove everything in main tank and remove 95% water...

then move stand and refugium with DSB intact then put main tank back and fill up again...

something like that...


need some advise... :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

i moved my 2 ft to a new position n a new stand.

ended up with my corals not opening up especially my bubbles.... for ard 2wks <_<

worst still my clown n yt dies due to whitespot from the stress aft moving :cry:

then my squamosa gapped like crazy for almost a month but now has recovered very slowly.

IMHO, u should set up a tank in its permanant resting place ;)

:idea: but in the case that u have to move it, y nt set up a holding tank or basin. u know, those large round ones.

add likerock, water from yr tank when u do WC. den ur corals n fishes last. do it slowly n move the stuff over a period of a wk?. then reintro dem back to the same tank again like stockking up a new tank, only faster. :peace:

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