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Want to add Angels, can I do it?

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Hello I am reefer from USA, want some advice from my singapore brothers.  I have a lonely 6" emperor in my 125 gallon fowlr, the tank measures 72" x 18" x 21".

I want to add the following angels, Regal, Asfur, Blue Face, Majestic and Flagfin.

Do you have any advice on how to do this, should I add all at the same time?  Or okay to add one a time using a clear plastic holding tank to introduce them.

Thanks for your advice!



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  • SRC Member

Regal and Majestic would be difficult as they're more on the timid side... The longer you put them in isolation tanks, the more aggression may develop...

If it was me, I'd get them all in a QT first... From the largest to the smallest would be Regal, Majestic, Flagfin, Blueface then Asfur...

Once all of them are eating, put them together into the DT at the same time with all lights switched off... There will be aggression, but the aggression would be divided among the newbies...

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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