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My journey in custom made 2ft cube with sump


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Hello guys it's been a Long time since I updated this thread. Mainly because my tank looked the same, and I was working very hard to make my tank habitable for corals. Am Glad to say some progress has been made. For a Long time I could not figure out a number of issues that was plaguing my tank. My nitrates was fluctuating between 25-50 ppm consistently and I finally decided I needed to add more rock for biological filtration. Added 6 kg more rock and also dosed vodka. In time my nitrates went down to 12ppm and kept it there for a Long time. Still there was something that was making my corals not multiply. When I could take it no longer I sent my water for a triton test, and found the biggest culprit to be a high level of Tin found in my water. I need to isolate the source now. I have just changed out my resin as my water was reading 26 TDS so that may be one possible cause. Another cause may be contaminated KH and Ca dosing solution as things have improved once I changed it. I also added an ATS to deal with my nutrients issue more effectively. It has yielded a lot of algae every 2 weeks. Here is the latest video update that I have for the tank. Happy Reefing.

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On 13/09/2016 at 5:25 PM, Hilmi21 said:

Wah really ah... damn cheap and nice.. if you wanna sell update me ah

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Amazing deal on that clam bro!

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Are you using activated carbon now to remove the tin?

Nope. Only doing water changes. This is because Triton did not recommend using carbon to remove, but only to do 6 water changes with uncontaminated salt. I also read up and it seems carbon cannot remove Tin.

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hey bro any idea what is the exact genus of the clam u have? It's too chio until I have to get my hands on one, one way or another. Lol

Hey bro I think it is a Crocea clam but I can't be sure. Thanks for the compliments. I am sure either Iwarna or Coral farm will have pretty clams from time to time in their shipments. :)

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5 minutes ago, vincentwangz said:

Hey bro I think it is a Crocea clam but I can't be sure. Thanks for the compliments. I am sure either Iwarna or Coral farm will have pretty clams from time to time in their shipments. :)

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Mm ok maybe 'genus' is the wrong term I used. Crocea, maxima or w/e, I've rarely seen one which such outstanding coloration lol. More interested to know what kind of clam has such nice patterning and coloration. Nice vid too btw. Cheers :) 

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