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My Slice of Nature (Part 3)


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I also received a couple of whatsapp messages requesting updates on the chaeto reactor. Tank maintenance day today.


Note that i'm still running a waterfall ATS (6pm to 12 noon). The external chaeto reactor runs from 8pm to 12 noon.

I added 2 sets of Eheim double taps for ease of sealing the reactor to transport it to the toilet. The reactor only came with the red tap (green arrow)

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View after opening up the lid. Filled to the brim. Some bleached out chaeto & slime around the light tube. This is normal due to the high intensity light exposure.Beyond the 0.5cm layer, the rest of the chaeto is nice & green. 

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4 weeks worth.

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Some algae growth on the inside surface. Scrub it off gently with filter wool

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Cleaned up the light tube as well

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Overall, quite happy with the chaeto reactor. 




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I'm starting to keep gorgonians & looked for alternative particulate food.

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Came across this DD Reef Paste food.

It can be pasted on the glass or rock. The food is released slowly. Aside from corals reacting  to it, this seem to work well for shy or finicky fishes that may not react to pellets or unable to compete for them in an established tank.

PB260176 (Large) (2).jpg

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Watch in full screen for a better view.


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17 hours ago, lis9090 said:

Where do u buy the DD reef paste food?

Try ReefmarketSG. 

I assume Madpetz should have it but better call to check.

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Personally I prefer not to T-off the main return pumps for reactors and have always used a separate pump for the various reactors - ATS (2000 L/hr) , Rowa reactor (~ 300L/hr) , chaeto reactor (1000L/hr), calcium reactor, De-nitrate reactor etc.


Got the Vectra S1 about a month ago.

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Quite a small pump & rated for 5300 L/hr.

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Piped up for the various reactors.

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Configuration note :

Both return pumps go into feed mode when triggered - i.e. flow rate slows down to a point where no water flows to the overflow or siphoned back through the return pipes. This ensures uneaten food remains in the main tank as long as possible so that fishes/corals can get to it instead of being filtered away. Helps keep the overall water cleaner as well.


But the reactor pump is to remain on all the time (do not want it to go into feed mode). To enable this on Reeflink, you will need to create a new profile (i.e. add a new aquarium), then add the pump. Hence the trigger behaviors can be differentiated.

Vectra (Large).jpg


Main return pump , Backup return pump, Reactor pump.

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The Vectra S1 is just as solidly built as the bigger M1 pumps.

I think its perfect for smaller sized 1-3 feet tanks or for freshwater tanks which may not require such high flow requirements. And of course, a good reliable pump for running various reactors.

Its also a good sized pump for those thinking of using it as a closed loop pump to eliminate dead spots or unsightly wavemakers.



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Some recent additions

Non photosynthetic gorgonian :

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I'm told this is photosynthetic. Need ID.

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Photosynthetic Plexaura Flexuosa

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Spider Sponge :

PC030254 (Large).jpg





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Hosting this chalice for a fellow reefer. Can see its covering a little more of the frag plug.

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Found a baby Banggai Cardinal yesterday morning. Scooped it out before it gets eaten by other big fishes.

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Feeding on baby brine shrimps



The rest of the fries were released from the father's mouth tonight

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Manage to catch them out. Hope they survive.

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Baby Banggai Cardinals 1 week later. All are still doing well.

Stomach bloated with baby brine shrimp.

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CR maintenance day. Last topped up 12 Aug (~4 months ago)

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Media for topping up.

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Purging out cloudy water via the red tube after restarting the pump.

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Soda Lime. Difference in coloration to differentiate new & depleted media.

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Rock Flower Anemone closing up while feeding on some market prawn.

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The Scolly takes a very long time to feed. Clocked it at 1hr to take in this piece of meat. Using an acrylic cover to protect it from hungry fishes.

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Light blue Florida Ricordea. Not a common color. From Reefing Reality

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56 minutes ago, he said:

Did u try feeding the scoly with pellets? I find that they tends to "eat " faster when I feed them with pellets .

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Oh...need to try it.

I've never fed pellets to LPS before.

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Very healthy and colorful tank.

6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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Got the Brightwell Aquatics NO3 plate. Its has embedded sulfur bits to feed the anaerobic bacteria when the plate is placed in a low flow area. Not sure if its a marketing gimmick but no harm having it. http://brightwellaquatics.com/products/xport_no3_brick.php

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The pores appear more dense than Marine Pure. This is just an observation. No opinion if its better or worse. 

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Instructions say to 'seed' it with tank water + microbacter7 overnight.

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I had some bad experience with poor hatch rates with some locally purchased brine shrimp eggs. Think some are low quality or may have been left on the shelves for quite some time.

I found this brine shrimp eggs C328 stored in refrigerator. Not cheap. $15 for 40g. But the hatch rate is fantastic.

PC140272 (Large).jpg


This is after 12 hours. Much more after 24hrs.

PC140273 (Large).jpg




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Harlequin shrimp.

The spots seem to change color from pink to blue after eating.

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Made this seaweed feeder

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It hooks to the edge of the euro bracing. No need to get my hands wet for this anymore :)

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wow.. my favorite shrimp .. Be prepare to standby for a few more starfish for it, it was rumor that by feeding Harlequin shrimp with Blue larkin star their color will be more striking.. 

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1 hour ago, he said:

wow.. my favorite shrimp .. Be prepare to standby for a few more starfish for it, it was rumor that by feeding Harlequin shrimp with Blue larkin star their color will be more striking.. 

Didn't know about blue linckia idea. But linckia starfishes tend to disintegrate more and gives the perception that it'll foul the water more than the sand sifting star.



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On 12/17/2017 at 9:34 PM, SubzeroLT said:

Got the Brightwell Aquatics NO3 plate. Its has embedded sulfur bits to feed the anaerobic bacteria when the plate is placed in a low flow area. Not sure if its a marketing gimmick but no harm having it. http://brightwellaquatics.com/products/xport_no3_brick.php

PC140266 (Large).jpg


The pores appear more dense than Marine Pure. This is just an observation. No opinion if its better or worse. 

PC140270 (Large).jpg


Instructions say to 'seed' it with tank water + microbacter7 overnight.

PC140271 (Large).jpg


I had some bad experience with poor hatch rates with some locally purchased brine shrimp eggs. Think some are low quality or may have been left on the shelves for quite some time.

I found this brine shrimp eggs C328 stored in refrigerator. Not cheap. $15 for 40g. But the hatch rate is fantastic.

PC140272 (Large).jpg


This is after 12 hours. Much more after 24hrs.

PC140273 (Large).jpg

hahah I wonder why there are two eyes

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Noticed a couple of baby rock flower anemone in the tank


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This was found next to the main group

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This was found on the rock far right side of the tank.

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Its a pity I just discovered them & had siphoned the sand last week. Its possible that some could have been siphoned away :(


Looking for folks who have baby rock flowers. Keen to swap when they are slightly larger.


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