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Starting a nano tank

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Yeah learned from post and youtube. I have some doubt to:
1. Put the fish bag in aquarium for temperature acclimating.
2. Doing drip acclimation from tank to the fish bag, i notice a lot do this with fish bag outside a pail or storage and not tank. Isnt this defeat the purpose of temperature acclimating?

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  • SRC Member

Yeah learned from post and youtube. I have some doubt to:
1. Put the fish bag in aquarium for temperature acclimating.
2. Doing drip acclimation from tank to the fish bag, i notice a lot do this with fish bag outside a pail or storage and not tank. Isnt this defeat the purpose of temperature acclimating?

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For coral dip, you can get Coral RX for dipping and follow the instruction. Make sure rinse well before putting back in tank.
Fresh water or RO water dipping need very careful, don't dip in fresh water for more than 30 sec, I did it once with mushroom about 1 min, and almost killed the mushroom .... :-(

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Use another forum member suggestion :
Left hand tank water, right hand ntuc bottle RO water + sea salt . Looks exactly same color and never zero.
Nitrite zero while nitrate is around10-20.

Guess cyling is complete .

Thanks mikestone for lend me his test kit and also some bio media.

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Added new dead rock inside but unaware got pets thus took all out and dip in fresh water to kill the pets , however this trigger a mini cycling.

No2 is near to zero but not zero yet. Hope bacteria population can catch up very soon to make it always zero.
No3 and Po4 is on high side thus need changing water to keep it low. Mostly i think is over feeding causing this as each family member so excited to feed the fish.

Just got myself refractometer and notice my salinity is 1.032 while hydrometer showing 1.025, the different is so huge? I use RO water on refractometer show zero thus guess is shall be accurate? now need reduce salinity thus changing water serve two purpose now for me

PH also on low side, how shall I raise it?

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Added new dead rock inside but unaware got pets thus took all out and dip in fresh water to kill the pets , however this trigger a mini cycling.

No2 is near to zero but not zero yet. Hope bacteria population can catch up very soon to make it always zero.
No3 and Po4 is on high side thus need changing water to keep it low. Mostly i think is over feeding causing this as each family member so excited to feed the fish.

Just got myself refractometer and notice my salinity is 1.032 while hydrometer showing 1.025, the different is so huge? I use RO water on refractometer show zero thus guess is shall be accurate? now need reduce salinity thus changing water serve two purpose now for me

PH also on low side, how shall I raise it?

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Refactometer is more accurate than using hydrometer, and do remember to calibrate and zero your refactometer with freshwater before using it.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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