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Starting a nano tank

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Welcome to reefing! As I suggest you don't need to keep wasting test to test everyday. By experience you can tell by observing .
Things like diatom out break and bacteria bloom will tell you what's the status of your nutrient or have the cycle kick start or ended.

One way to make
Cycling faster is to dose bacteria . By far microbacter manage to help me to cut down cycle a lot faster. Second when cycling try not to do water change and on skimmer. Let everything run on its own for a few week. It's to help you to have an establish stable bacteria colony which can prevent a lot future problem coming up ahead.

Lastly killing worms in live rock is good but a better investment will be getting dead bleach rock or fake rock it's a lot more convenient! Enjoy REEFING !

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I do use revoreef reefstart bacteria to help cycling . I dose it alternate day with skimmer off for an hour. However skimmer is on most of time. I notice there are some minor brown algae thing on sand bed behind the rock last few day and i hate it so i siphon it and do like 5% water change with bacteria dose. Not sure os diatom or not but the amount really minor compare those post by other reefer.

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Try to let your tank untouched except for dosing bacteria haha. And test it after a week. If nitrite and ammonia 0, After that do a 15% water change and pretty much you can add new corals !
The diatom will stop when cycling stop!

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If you can see ammonia , it means bacteria count is lower, maybe try dosing everyday on reefstart for next few days and see the effects.
The brown stuff will likely cover your whole tank when cycling completes, don't bother to remove it manually on sand bed as it will go away by itself once tank mature. I only try to remove those on wall to make my tank less ugly.

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It's just individual preference, because you are using AIO tank, I really don't suggest using wool or foam in your filter media, they only gathers nitrate. When I go deeper into marine tank, I realised the biggest challenge is to reduce Nitrate in my tank. With high Nitrate I am very much stuck with softies and LPS only, main reason is I am sumpless.
Recommend you to modify your filter media remove everything and put in Marine Pure Block, you can get them at Madpetz. I personally think it will benefit you especially your live rock quantity seems on the low side too and guess that's why your cycling is slower too.

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Saw your filter design, 1st compartment use poly filter, rest put in marine pure block should be nice.
The marine pure block can be easily cut to desire size using a simple knife, quite easy to DIY.
Again it's personal preference only , play with your options add to the fun.
Nitrate is bad creating all kinds of complication for tank. Mine is 5ppm and is trying very hard to bring it to less than 0.1ppm (dream on).

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Wow thanks a lot for all the feedback. Can a IOS tank work without mechanical filter? Currently i have remove half bio wool from third compartment and replace it with bioball. What plan to do next:
1.Reduce first compartment bio foam and put in more bio filter.
2. Put one layer polyfilter in middle of bio wool layer. Havent put in as heard it will absorb ammonia. Want do it only when cycling complete.
3. Definitely will add more live rock. See any reefer selling or not.
Didnt know marine pure block can be cut. Thought it is very hard lol . May give it a try.

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1st compartment with poly filter will work as mechanical filters, provided you wash the filter wool every week else it gathers Nitrate. I only uses poly filter for this purpose, no wool or foam.
Bio balls are bad and doesn't help given your set up. Go for something with Super high porosity is better. Remove nitrate using other method , your filter set up likely converts ammonia to nitrite and to nitrate and stops there. You either depends on water change to reduce nitrate or try to use Chemipure elite to see if it helps.
As for the hole, superglue a thin sheet of plastic should help.

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Never use this before, but I seriously doubt its effectiveness for marine tank. If you drive, you may want to try Madpetz who is located in Woodlands, if you don't drive, Clementi 328 is a good place.
Highly encourage you to try Marine Pure Block, super highly porous media. Can cut and shape like Tofu, hehe.

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Welcome to reefing! As I suggest you don't need to keep wasting test to test everyday. By experience you can tell by observing .
Things like diatom out break and bacteria bloom will tell you what's the status of your nutrient or have the cycle kick start or ended.

One way to make
Cycling faster is to dose bacteria . By far microbacter manage to help me to cut down cycle a lot faster. Second when cycling try not to do water change and on skimmer. Let everything run on its own for a few week. It's to help you to have an establish stable bacteria colony which can prevent a lot future problem coming up ahead.

Lastly killing worms in live rock is good but a better investment will be getting dead bleach rock or fake rock it's a lot more convenient! Enjoy REEFING !

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Hi. Sorry to hijack.
Where can I go to get dead bleach rock at ok pricing?

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It really depends on your budget, usually dead rock are sold same price as life rock, but so far I only see it at Iwarna.
But artificial rock you can get in Madpetz and Iwarna, and they are really expensive. I think rocks sold here are usually from people who decomm their tank, or those who want to change rock.

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Pacific reef got some dead rock you need to wash. You can self diy bleach just need to use anti chlorine afterwards. Iwarna also do have quite a number of dead rock. But if is me I won't save money can get some fake rock which already in nice shape as long cost it's more worth it.

It's okay to use that filter media just remember that it purpose is to serve as a home for bacteria to grow. Just that reputable filter media often be more pricey. Depending on the filter media type you getting, it's the surface area that matter the most therefore if you plan to get cheap media and you have space just get more.

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Lol and running few at pasir ris and madpetz in 2 hours. Just take a look around while waiting, no choice as my car is weekend car. Listed few livestock going to add next:
Fire shrimp
Fire fishx2
Clown fishx2
Demsel with yellow tummy x2

May be one anemone and normal rock zoa

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