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Weekly Update - 11th to 17th July 2016

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Hawaii shipment tomorrow @ Iwarna @ 2pm

Bandit angels, potter angels, 4 spot butterflyfish, crosshatch triggerfishes, crosshatch x blue throat hybrid triggerfish, goldenback triggerfish, yellow tangs, kole tangs, geoffroy wrasse, Pterois sphex, Pseudanthias hawaiiensis (pre-ordered).

Always something more important than fish.


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Hawaii shipment tomorrow @ Iwarna @ 2pm

Bandit angels, potter angels, 4 spot butterflyfish, crosshatch triggerfishes, crosshatch x blue throat hybrid triggerfish, goldenback triggerfish, yellow tangs, kole tangs, geoffroy wrasse, Pterois sphex, Pseudanthias hawaiiensis (pre-ordered).

Potter angel price?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Stocks arrival. For more accurate stock updates please refer to our Facebook page: Iwarna Aquafarm


Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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More excitement this week (more to come).

Early afternoon today:

Coral beauty, flagfin angel, venustus angel, bicolor angel, regal angels, rusty angels, heraldi angels, yellow tail poma angel, purple queen anthias, randall anthias, ventralis anthias, ornate butterflyfish, pyramid butterflyfish, yellow longnose butterflyfish, ocellaris clownfish, algae blenny, arothron stellatus, arothron mappa, canthigaster leoparda, yellow scopas tang (rare), powder brown tang, CTENOCHAETUS STRIATUS, CTENOCHAETUS BINOTATUS (the tang in our SPS frag tank everyone is asking about), clown triggerfish tiny, Lubbock wrasse, pylei wrasse, cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis, cirrhilabrus lunatus, cirrhilabrus brunneus, sailfin fairy wrasse (likely new species), purple eye ringtail cardinal, plectranthias inermis, green mandarinfish, knife fish, porcupine puffer, rabbitfishes, arrowhead soapfish, assorted anemones, sally lightfoot crab, skunk cleaner shrimps, seahare slugs, flame scallops, banded serpent star, cocoworms, nassarius snails, sea star snails.


Tomorrow morning:

Africa zoanthids & gorgonians, ray, holacanthus africanus adult, medium and juveniles, bodianus speciosus, canthigaster rostrata, tiger moray, rare red striped basslet (Serranus spp.), balistes punctatus, etc.

Do refer to our Facebook Page : Iwarna Aquafarm

Pictures are uploaded there for new shipments. Thank you.


*We have strict reservation policies for livestock, please refer to our sponsor forum for more information.

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