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Weekly Update - 04th July to 10th July 2016

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Philippines Shipment (04/07/2016)

Common Name Scientific Name Size

Neon Blue Damsel Pomacentrus Springeri

Domino Damsel Dascellus Trimaculatus

Two Stripes Damsel DascylClus Reticulatus

Sgt. Major Damsel Abudefduf Trosceli

Jewel Damsel Paragluphidodon Lacrymatus

Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus M

Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus S

Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus T

Bluefin Damsel Paraglyphidodon Melas

Three Stripes Damsel Dascyllus Aruanus

African Clown Amphiprion Clarkii

Maroon clown Premmas Biaculeatus M

Black Percula Clown Amphiprion Latezonatus M

Diadema Grouper Pseudochromis Diadema

Spotted cardinal Sphaeramia Orbicularis

Pencil wrasse Hologymnnosus Doliatus

Black Percula Clown Amphiprion Latezonatus T

Black Percula Clown Amphiprion Latezonatus S

Spotted cardinal Sphaeramia Orbicularis

Bar goby Ptereleotris Zebra

Leopard wrasse Macropharryngodon Meleagris

Green mandarin Synchiropus Splendidus

Blue Hana Goby Pterleotris Hanae

Yellow box fish Ostracion Cubicus M

Neon goby Pholidichthys leucotaenia

Rainbow wrasse Labroides Demidiatus

Flame goby Nemateleotris Decora M

Sixline wrasse Pseudocheilinus Hexataena

Pink Anthias Anthias Squamipmnis

Spotfin anthias Anthias Squampinis

Yellow goby Opistoenathus Lonchurus

Saddleback Butterfly Chaetodon Ehippium M

Diamond Butterfly Hemitaurichthys Polylepsshy M

Punctato Butterfly Chaetodon Punctatofasciatus M

Punctato Butterfly Chaetodon Punctatofasciatus S

Eight Banded Butterfly Chaetodon Octofasciatus M

Eight Banded Butterfly Chaetodon Octofasciatus S

Vagabundus Butterfly Chaetodon Vagabundus M

Square Anthias Anthias Pleurothnia M

Lunula Butterfly Chaetodon Lunula M

Rafflessi Butterfly Chaetodon Rafflessil SM

Red Checkered But. Chaetodon Xanthuros M

Auriga Butterfly Chaetodon Auriga M

Auriga Butterfly Chaetodon Auriga S

Yellow Longnose Butterfly Forcifiger Flavissimus S

Yellow Longnose Butterfly Forcifiger Flavissimus SM

Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus M

Klennie Butterfly Chaetodon Klenii M

Spotted grunt Plectorhynchus Chaitodoi M

Spotted grunt Plectorhynchus Chaitodoi S

Black Chekered But. Chaetodon Argentatus S

Black Peacock Lion Pterois Volitans M

Foxface Lo Vulpinus S

White Fin Lion Pterois Antennata

Brown Peacock Lion Pterois Lunulata SM

Foxface Lo Vulpinus S

Strawberry Grouper Pseudochromis Porrphyrous

Griessiengeri Goby

Yellow wrasse Halichoeres Chrysus

Yellow goby Opistoenathus Lonchurus

Bamboo goby Amblyeotris Wheelerii

Trifasciatus Butterfly S

Triangle Butt. S

Chocolate Tang S

Big eye Squirrel Holocentrus Hastatus M

Purple Slug

Running Crab

Halloween Hermit Crab

Powderbrown tang Acanthurus Japonicus M

Queen trigger Odonus Niger M

Big eye Squirrel Holocentrus Hastatus M

Coral Beauty Angel Centropyge Bispinosos MS

Long nose puffer Spheroides Lobatus

Porcupine puffer Diodon Holocanthus M

Queen Angel Chaetodontoplus Mesoleocus M

Yellow Angel Centropyge Heraldi M

Rusty Angel Centropyge Ferrugatus M

Oriole Angel Centropyge Bicolor M

Melas Angel Centropyge Tibicen M

Harlequin Tuskfish Liemadella Fasciata L

Flagfin Angel Apolemicthys Trimaculatus M

Flagfin Angel Apolemicthys Trimaculatus S

Harlequin Tuskfish Liemadella Fasciata M

Blue Koran Angel(Pass Color) Pomacanthus semicirculatus M

Bellus Angel (F) Genicanthus Bellus SM

Blue Swallow Angel (F) Genicanthus Watanabei T

Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum M

Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum L

Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum S

Blueface trigger-female Xanthichtys Auromarqinatus M

Green Garden Eel Heteroconger Halis

Clown Triggerfish Balistoides Conpicillum L

Red Margin Wrasse M

Black Fin Fairy Wrasse

Ventralis Anthias-male Pseudanthias Ventralis

Ventralis Anthias-female Pseudanthias Ventralis

Green Garden Eel Heteroconger Halis

Blue Ribbon Eel Rhinomuraena Amboinensis M

Feather duster-red Tubastrea Aurea

Feather duster-yellow Tubastrea Aurea

Feather duster-yellow red Tubastrea Aurea

Halloween Hermit Crab

Chocolate starfish Asterina Gibbosa

Red pistol shrimp Alpheus specie

Tiger pistol shrimp Alpheus bellulus

Sexy Shrimp Thor Amboinensis

Sand star fish

Camel Shrimp Rhynchocinetes Specie

Sea hares slug Phylum molluska

Color Sea Urchin

Globe Sea Urchin

White Slug

Big Eye Shrimps Alpheus sp.

Sexy Shrimp Thor Amboinensis

Banded Shrimp Slenopus Hispidus

Anemone crab Neopetrolisthes Oshiman

Anemone Shrimp Periclimines Brevicarpa

Bumble Bee Shrimp Gnathophyllum Americanum

Clown Shrimp Hymenocera Picta M

Nazarious shell Nassarius mutabilis

Turbo snail Tenctus fenestratus

Red dragon net blenny M

Tomato Clown Amphi prion Frenatus L

Colored Jelly fish Casseopea Frondosa

White flat anemone Anemonia specie

Black Peacock Lion Pterois Volitans L

Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus M

Brown tang Zebrasuma scopas M

Pinnatus Bat Fish Platax Pinnatus S

Regal Angel Pygollitis Diacanthus M

Blue Koran Angel Pomacanthus semicirculatus M

Six Bar Angel Euxiphipops Sextriatus M

Halfmoon Angel Holacanthus Venustus M

Oriole Angel Centropyge Bicolor S

Saddleback Butterfly Chaetodon Ehippium M

Sailfin tang Zebrasuma Veliferus S

Yellow Citron Butterfly Chaetodon Citrinillus M


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6 hours ago, zerofighter said:

Finns Factory is a home based breeder located in punggol. More photos can be found under Aquacultured Classified Section.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

any idea what the selling price at ? Thank

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9 hours ago, zerofighter said:

Finns Factory is a home based breeder located in punggol. More photos can be found under Aquacultured Classified Section.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

Its home based, but I thought his clowns were imported from overseas breeder?

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