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Jon's Maiden Live on Board


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  • SRC Member

was my first LOB and leisure dive as well, u were right about one thing, doing OWDC wont show u alot of things underwater as compared to leisure dives ;)

it was a great experience, really big boat, great crew, and food, lotsa.... literally eat, sleep and dive.. heheheh... due to the delay, we only managed to get 4 dives in all, nite dive was unforgettable for most of us :D

anyway, for someone like me who have not much experience it was really great and encouraged me to plunge and take more dips underwater..... 2nd dive was great, lotsa colorful softies, big triggers, barracudas, big boxfish... last dive was great, sea turtle :)

generally, the trip was great, looking forward to perhentian :)

u'd be joining right? for sure gonna try out the regs/bio filters :)

arrghh!!! envy u man!!!! will get it after i make some $$$$

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  • SRC Member
<_< errrr.....

Y do ppl like to do their night dive at Lang????

Freaking strong current and if u miss a imporant turn u wil be sweep out to open sea...

yah.. i noticed that too... i went to sebukang, the only grp there until just after we descend, another boat turn up.. mild to almost zilch current, saw my first boxing shrimp underwater in one of the crevices.... :D not to mention parrotfish in their cocoon bubble wrap...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
<_< errrr.....

Y do ppl like to do their night dive at Lang????

Freaking strong current and if u miss a imporant turn u wil be sweep out to open sea...

That's why Jon said nite dive is unforgettable.. ;)

I recall my very first maiden nite dive was at Snake Stone dive site. So many snakes and nurse sharks in one place.

Somehow, only at night that we got a chance to see shrimps (all kinds.. cleaner, boxing shrimps) because their eyes glow when we shine on them. Not to mentioned the snake and nurse sharks eyes.. eerie..

Jon, see u at Perhentian.

Maybe you can have a taste of the Apollo Bio-Regulator... if you can get it off from me in one piece... :P

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Muhahahahhaha.... more and more SRC members are drawn to the Wet Side! Sooon more victims, I mean, admirers of the sea, will be influenced and soon I can sacrifice all 2400 of us into the sea as penance for our sins in reefkeeping... muhahahaha...

*its the sick part of me speaking*


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  • SRC Member
Muhahahahhaha.... more and more SRC members are drawn to the Wet Side! Sooon more victims, I mean, admirers of the sea, will be influenced and soon I can sacrifice all 2400 of us into the sea as penance for our sins in reefkeeping... muhahahaha...

*its the sick part of me speaking*


That's it... me aint diving with AT!!!! <_<

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
yeah, its memorable alright.... its a combination of drift, deep and nite dive ;)

yazid, see u in perhentian, i'll exchange 1 acro colony for ur biofilter :D

Let me see... I haven't see any acro colony that is worth to an Apollo Bio-Regulator so far.

I don't think I want to exchange 1 acro for my Apollo. :rolleyes:

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