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Decomm Tank with livestock

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I am decommissioning my tanks.

Got a tank rack for sale; 4ft x 1.5ft x 195cm (height)

Got two display tank on the rack, 4ft x 1.5ft x 38cm

4 compartment on each tank.

8mm glass with front crystal glass.

Sump tank 4ft x 1.5ft x 42cm

Comes with two 4fts led tank, 12k DC pump, BM curve 9 skimmer.

Will provide a UV light, live rocks and some media for free, so no need to cycle the tank again.

All for $980.

Livestocks for sales:

1) Onyx clownfish pair $288 (full black)

2) Frostbite clown pair $380

3) Tomato clown pair $38 (6mths only)

4) Yellow maroon pair $68

5) Golden nugget pair S $280

6) Picasso clown $100

7) Black snowflake pair S $238 (not very stable)

8) Dragon Wrasse L x2

9) Niger Trigger S $20

10) Orange striped Trigger M $20

11) Clown Trigger M $38

12) Blue face angel S $68

13) Flame angel $38

14) Asfur angel $200

15) Powder black tang $28

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Helping my friend sell his fishes as he is decomming his fowlr tank this Sunday.

All fishes are around medium size and all in adult color.

Whatapp me for more information.

Will share the picture when I got it.

1) King angel

2) Queen angel

3) Blue angel

4) Blue lined angel

5) Sohal tang

Sent from my SM-T715Y using Tapatalk

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The fishes still at my friend house. He is trapping them out one by one and put in a plastic container. King angel $250, sohal $280, blue angel $350. He might be selling his AT and big scribbled angel.

Sent from my SM-T715Y using Tapatalk

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