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Skimmer less efficient over time?

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Hi all,

Just wana know if others out there are having the same syndrome as my skimmer does. When i first bought my Weipro 2013 it was producing lotsa dark coloured skimmate.. nowadays even after powering it up with a 3200l/hr pump, the skimmate is only lightly coloured.. like light coloured tea. Is it because nothing much to skim already?


my tank specs:

Chemical filtration:

Seachem carbon 250ml

Seachem phosphate 250ml (i know both not enuf!)

Biological filtration:

20kg of LR

50kg Live sand

Mechanical Filtration:

3 feet sump with 7 inch DSB

Weipro skimmer 2012 using cheapo dolphin powerhead(works quite well amazingly!)


Red Sea Salt

Kalkwassar (dunno some german brand)

Tank conditions:

Nitrate 12.5 (using tetra testkit)

Calcium at 450ppm (using JBL testkit)

The rest i never buy test kit!


Hailea 6540 1770l/hr (which i think is not enuf!)

Alife powerhead for circulation 3200l/hr


1 tube anemone

1 purple tip anemone

1 jewel stone LPS(think it's called goni something)

1 regal tang

1 firefish

1 tomato clown

1 red perch

1 brazillian royal gramma

10 red legged hermit crabs

2 turbo snails

1 topshell

2 cleaner shrimp

1 reef lobster(always hiding!)

1 orange gorgonian

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Yes. i've rerad somewhere b4 that venturi type of skimmer need to be cleaned once in a while coz of the V shaped area accumilate 'dirt' over time and hence reduced efficiency..

Heheh everything need mantaince one lah to work at their best, filter.. light.. etc.. :D

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