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GB : Terryz is right, its a Golden angel.... My 2nd love after Boxfishes.... have thought about for wuite a while due to fear that it would attack my meaty LPS!! :shock:

In the end, couldn't resist it when I found this small little Goldie.... it's only about 1.5" small! Real cutie! Now I'm praying for my corals... :heh:

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RAV: coincidence or wat....

i also got one recently...lol...here's mine :)

but hard to take decent pics of it though, cos it's pretty shy and under shades most of the time..i had to flash him to get these pics out :lol:

Bro, at least you managed to get some nice clear pics of it! I only managed to get those crappy pics... :blink:

Still, it's an extremely beautiful fish, something I liked since the 1st time I saw it...

Do you have any pther angels in your tank? Does your Goldie gets bullied by other angels??

Mine's okay coz I got no other angels now... :P

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have a pair of flame angels also....follow each other around....

that was the start of my pygmy fever :lol:

then added this golden angel and coral beauty :P

no conflicts so far...they have the whole 6ft rocky backyard to roam around whereas the tangs/anthias have the front 6ft frontyard to swim around..hehe

the reason why i am only into dwarfs/pygmies is that they are smaller and will not contest for tank space with the rest of my tangs.....

and these dwarfs are forever mingling in the rockworks...they seldom venture out to the open water because of the tangs and bartletts in the open water that are simply too boisterous for the dwarfies to join in....so the corals are pretty much safe :)

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hi guys.. just wondering whether u guys know that golden angel feed on sps....

once they are confidence.. they will start feeding on yr sps... hope this help... but still it is a nice fish.... but again.. we can't be very sure abt this angel.... from experience.... my golden angel.. eat up almost half of my sps.... hope this info is helpful...

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GB : Terryz is right, its a Golden angel.... My 2nd love after Boxfishes.... have thought about for wuite a while due to fear that it would attack my meaty LPS!! :shock:

In the end, couldn't resist it when I found this small little Goldie.... it's only about 1.5" small! Real cutie! Now I'm praying for my corals... :heh:

oppps..haha..looks like a hawk,.. :lol:

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and these dwarfs are forever mingling in the rockworks...they seldom venture out to the open water because of the tangs and bartletts in the open water that are simply too boisterous for the dwarfies to join in....so the corals are pretty much safe :)

Dat's what I'm banking on also, but previously my Flame was pretty aggressive and it would nip my prata... :(

I'm hoping the timid Golden wouldn't have much of a courage to swim out and take dat bite on my prata... :shock:

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hi guys.. just wondering whether u guys know that golden angel feed on sps....

once they are confidence.. they will start feeding on yr sps... hope this help... but still it is a nice fish.... but again.. we can't be very sure abt this angel.... from experience.... my golden angel.. eat up almost half of my sps.... hope this info is helpful...

Thanxs for the info bro, I was reading through RC for info about Golden the past 3 days, and there have been mixed reviews about the fish... like an angel, it's a 50/50 chance... but the beauty of the fish is really too tempting!! :yeah:

Anyway, I'm keeping all my fingers crossed! My toes as well!!! :sick:

I'll be resacping my tank in about 3 weeks time, hope I dun have to remove it den!

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no problem for me...

not an sps reefer :P

i will enlist my tangs to guard my lps against the dwarfies....

a tail flip and my tangs will send the dwarfies flying back into the rockworks :lol:

Wah bro...

your tangs like the chinese " men shen " ??? the " two bodyguards " the chinese people stick on their doors in red papers to ward off the evil spirits?! :lol:


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RAV: coincidence or wat....

i also got one recently...lol...here's mine :)

but hard to take decent pics of it though, cos it's pretty shy and under shades most of the time..i had to flash him to get these pics out :lol:

Golden Angels????

DA and WL keeping Regal and now Rav & Roidan keeping Golden Angel! You guys really enjoy challenging yourselves to the limits! :bow::bow::bow:

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Golden Angels????

DA and WL keeping Regal and now Rav & Roidan keeping Golden Angel! You guys really enjoy challenging yourselves to the limits! :bow::bow::bow:

No lah bro... it's about the love for the fish!!

I lost 5-6 Golden Angels in the past!!!! but now that my Flame angel is out of the tank, decided to try again! :P

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