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New Update:

After getting some confirmation from some guys in RC, discovered that I have a couple of Chitons in my tank... these are the good guys as they eat the algae from the rocks but only come out in the night when the lights are off!!


People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Tank Update since I came back from overseas :

1>Lost 1 green cyanrina ( Reported earlier ) :cry2:

2>Threw out 3-4 frags of acros, STN, tink my current too strong for it, none of the SPS seems to survive at that spot! :angry:

3>Pink Anemone suddenly bloom very big!! :upsidedown:

4> Cyano breakout ( again!! ) - Not going to administer any treatment for the time being, want to allow the skimmer to skim more of the nutrients out as i realised that my skimmer wasn't tuned properly before I came back, now it's skimming non-stop... :pirate:

5> Some of my blastos seem to be not doing dat well.... :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
New Update:

After getting some confirmation from some guys in RC, discovered that I have a couple of Chitons in my tank... these are the good guys as they eat the algae from the rocks but only come out in the night when the lights are off!!

Tropical chiton natural history and ecology are poorly known, but it seems likely they have an important effect there as well. The rasping ability of chitons is such that they are generally able to cut into virtually all of the algae in areas where they are found. In an aquarium, the rasping ability of some of the larger chitons may be very impressive.

I once kept a few individuals of the large Pacfic Northwest chiton, Katharina tunicata, in one of my acrylic research tanks as a way to keep down excess algal growth. In a short time, I was able to detect grooves rasped into the acrylic walls of the tank. Visions of tank collapse :shock:  :shock:  danced like sugar plums in my dreams, and the chitons were liberated to the beach...

Extract from here.




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Bro... How is your boxfish doing... Bought two yellow boxfish from ML... But kept running ard from the food.. Hope they wil start eating soon...

The black one died suddenly after being trapped inside seafan... :blink:

Tragic but true... it's like an adult getting drown in a shallow pond...

But now got three mini yellow boxfish, all doing well, u can see them swimming happily all over the tank, if they are stressed, they always swim up and down around the same region......

Anyway, IME, they wun die even if they don't seem to eat the food u feed, somehow they know where to find food... :)

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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