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Gobies Alert

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It is the Neon pygmy-goby, a very exquisite fish, small no doubt, but I just spent an hour staring at it.

My largest one is 10mm, the smaller one is about 6mm.

Due to their small size, their food can be quite specialised, I just gutload them with BBS before releasing them into my tank.

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  • SRC Member
It is the Neon pygmy-goby, a very exquisite fish, small no doubt, but I just spent an hour staring at it.

My largest one is 10mm, the smaller one is about 6mm.

Due to their small size, their food can be quite specialised, I just gutload them with BBS before releasing them into my tank.

so how many did u get? i find it way too small n dull for my liking.. :)

where did they put the hectori ? or maybe they put it in after i left?

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Me and another nut bought a pair each :D

this dull? :rolleyes:


The Hectoris are in the small Five-Plan tank on the floor between two rows of tanks. There is a HUGE one, bigger than mine, and there are the usual teenie ones.

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  • SRC Member

looks very nice indeed... i swear i did not notice it being so colouful.... remember seeing almost transparent body with red line across its body... anyway too small for me.. :lol: *comforting myself*

might be going down tomorrow looking for hectori and pair goby...

i only notice the tanks against the wall... ( same tanks housing the starfish n pair goby? nevr see the other tank... rushing back to office :(

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Looks like the longkang fish for feeding laohan. :D

Just joking. I'm sour grapes cos my tank cannot keep this delicate and easily bullied fish.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Anyone has ever buy a Clown Goby, a.k.a. Coral Goby ?

Is the species a good addition to the tank ?

it is easily eaten by other fishes. bought twice and both times dead and not even a body found

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  • SRC Member
PR opened later than usual today, nearly 2pm.

You came at 3plus to find them gone, which means the remaining Eviotas were snapped up within 1.5hours after lunch hour :blink:

thanks to u!!!

hahhaha :lol:

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Eaquarist :

orange spotted gobies, pink banded gobies. And twinspot sandshifting gobies (broad orange bars)..

Also...left one wheeleri (i got the other one :lol: )

Teenie weenie watchman gobies with paired pistol.

Always something more important than fish.


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