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Survivor: Nicholas's 2.5 ft Tank


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  • SRC Member

Tats the prob, u mentioned only actinic in the first place and tats y pple misunderstood abt ur lightin. Now nxt thing, small boy....ur white actinic is MH, T5, PL, FL?????? coz the prob with u is u didn't mentioned properly in ur initial thread. If u had mentioned u had MH runnin, tat would have properly shut everybody upz. So which is the one tat u r using? U still had a serious prob if u runnin FL in which I believed u r but by now u would probably said MH to say urself further bombardment frm others. Search thru other member's tank spec....u dun see them gettin wat u r gettin now. So wats the cause of it?? Serious AP? u shd knw better. Everythin would be alot easier for u if u juz started off somethin like this:

Tank 3x2x2, sump 2x1x1. Water parameters, NO2=0, N03=0, Ca=440, pH=8.2, kH=11, PO4=0, NH4=0.

Equipment =2x150W (10k) supplement by 2 FL actinic, tunze 6060, H&S skimmer.....tank runnin for 4mths.

Is the above very difficult for U to list dwn. Or rather dun ask me i dun knw, i only knw got tis tis tat tat....u go do the maths urself. U think we owned u a living. Readin up ur thread and commentin is nice of us to do AND not complusory to do. U still expect us to go count frm which mth to which mth inorder to knw how long has ur tank been runnin. And for us to knw the spec so tat we can pin point wat is wrong shd there be a fault. U think we got nuthin better to do then to go pesterin u for ur tank spec! And how is ur reply!

Lastly abt the "y seek suggestion/ advise"! I m tokin abt y seek suggestion for ur pymy angel when others initially offered their advises on ur anemone and lightin issue and wats ur reply? Straight to the point. U juz can't bottle down bad stuffs and only those complimentary type will u swallow. :ph34r:

Guys, wat do u think. He got AP? :whistle


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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If u asked for it i would have said.

Is it that difficult for u to ask... or is your ego too big?

If u look properly, no one asked for it in the first place. It started with kalib's kind question on anemone light then southpaw23 little talk about inresponsible reefing, and then the forum fighting started. Only Ryz asked about the water parameters. Did u see properly?

Did u even asked for that?

Look who has the bigger EGO, ASSuming power and AP now? (YOU)

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  • SRC Member
If u asked for it i would have said.

Is it that difficult for u to ask... or is your ego too big?

If u look properly, no one asked for it in the first place. It started with kalib's kind question on anemone light then southpaw23 little talk about inresponsible reefing, and then the forum fighting started. Only Ryz asked about the water parameters. Did u see properly?

Did u even asked for that?

Look who has the bigger EGO, ASSuming power and AP now? (YOU)

Punk....check out


Didn't i ask for some details. Who is the one tat did not see properly. U slappin ur own face. Now u got serious Attitude Problem sayin pple little talk abt irresponsible reefkeepin. If u r responsible, u shd jolly well knw ur limits and if u do, ur LS probablt won't die! I rest my case with u this little small boy. U still had a long way to go and along the way when u r under the hand of others u will be taugh better. Trust me.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
Tats the prob, u mentioned only actinic in the first place and tats y pple misunderstood abt ur lightin. Now nxt thing, small boy....ur white actinic is MH, T5, PL, FL?????? coz the prob with u is u didn't mentioned properly in ur initial thread. If u had mentioned u had MH runnin, tat would have properly shut everybody upz. So which is the one tat u r using? U still had a serious prob if u runnin FL in which I believed u r but by now u would probably said MH to say urself further bombardment frm others. Search thru other member's tank spec....u dun see them gettin wat u r gettin now. So wats the cause of it?? Serious AP? u shd knw better. Everythin would be alot easier for u if u juz started off somethin like this:

Tank 3x2x2, sump 2x1x1. Water parameters, NO2=0, N03=0, Ca=440, pH=8.2, kH=11, PO4=0, NH4=0.

Equipment =2x150W (10k) supplement by 2 FL actinic, tunze 6060, H&S skimmer.....tank runnin for 4mths.

Is the above very difficult for U to list dwn. Or rather dun ask me i dun knw, i only knw got tis tis tat tat....u go do the maths urself. U think we owned u a living. Readin up ur thread and commentin is nice of us to do AND not complusory to do. U still expect us to go count frm which mth to which mth inorder to knw how long has ur tank been runnin. And for us to knw the spec so tat we can pin point wat is wrong shd there be a fault. U think we got nuthin better to do then to go pesterin u for ur tank spec! And how is ur reply!

Lastly abt the "y seek suggestion/ advise"! I m tokin abt y seek suggestion for ur pymy angel when others initially offered their advises on ur anemone and lightin issue and wats ur reply? Straight to the point. U juz can't bottle down bad stuffs and only those complimentary type will u swallow. :ph34r:

Guys, wat do u think. He got AP? :whistle

hmmm i started this marine hobby abt a yr back n it was difficult for my to accept the fact that i made big mistakes n wasted big money. :blink: like buying zoomed fl tubes when i can jus buy a pl light fixture...... if i came across this forum earlier, i would have got my mh str8 from victron....

my point is try to take watever advice n critisism wif a pinch of salt. im sure the lfs told u that it was ok using fl tubes as he probably run his tank with fl rite? they jus want ur money. but when bros here give u advice, wad do they get? u flaming up at them??? <_<

IMHO(in my honest opinion) its nt ur lighting or skimmer(dun noe if ur running one) dat u have to change, its ur ATITUDE :o

not surprised dat u probly have somthng to talk back after i saw this but im jus stating my opinion. ur anemone really does nt hve enough light. trust me. i had a bta under fl and it beached n die n polutted my tank and destroyed everythng. learnt it the hard way. U can avoid that if u r just willing to put ur EGO aside and accept the fact u made a mistake. ;)

and wat really buggs me about you is nt the fact u r childish but u r still only a 14 and u can flare up at bros hu r probably older than u. show some RESPECT. they r trying to help u but u must help urself first.u could have just said "i will keep that in mind or i will take tt note" even if u dun wana listen to them.

i really admire bro jdn as he still spends his time answering to ur sarcastic remarks even though he dont have to. :peace:

please read ur whole thread again n reflect on what has happened :)

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  • SRC Member

Let me tell u guys (not directed at anyone) something.

It all started with southpaw23. He phrased it as if he was burning my ######. So i told him things the way i tot he spoke to me(eg: i use his attitude). if u noticed, if someone(coralreef) spoke to me nicely, i will be polite.

But if not, i wouldnt bother to answer in a refined manner .

and jd_n, i didn't even offend him, and he said

If u dun write like this then y u write like this in the first place. I believe AT would like us to practice proper pharsing of sentences to assist in easiler reading and understanding too. From wat i see...basically u r not interested in learnin or takin in good advise. And wat does havin zooplankton for ur anemone prove? Without the proper environment....u can feed him abalone, lobster also won't do him gd. And since tat arrogance of urs are tat high.....y seek suggestion/ solution when u can't even take them .

I'm pissed, because most of what he said is inpolite. So i said something not good to him.

I wonder if they knew that u must respect others for others to respect you?

I respect bubblegum, kalib, coralreef and others.

I juz dun respect southpaw23 and jd_n to name names.

I hope u guys understand.

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weird. you respect people who advice you and you don't respect people who advice you too.

just because they phrased it in a harsher way, you decided to be angry with them? from what I know, the world isn't that kind and in many other areas, you would have been shot for having such arrogance already. probably explains southpaw and jd_n's reaction. although having patient people around is a blessing too.

I'm not joining in the merry making. I'm just letting you know nicely that even though you find yourself "experienced" with "hours of research" *to quote very loosely from whatever you said*, you should still learn to accept constructive criticism, be it negative or positive *positive criticism. thats an oxymoron.* you'll grow better as a person and in that area that you're being criticised at, like your fish tank for example.

relax. a kid your age should be happy and enjoying the pleasures of being young *which includes being a pain in the ...* and don't take it personally. some people have different ways of working.

and again. I'm not lecturing you. just letting you know my five cents worth.

:off: I also get A for english, but I don't brag about it. (= I'm sure many people here get A for english/GP too but they don't brag about it. so urh. yeah. :peace:

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  • SRC Member

arrogance is not the way bro, be open to other's opinions and suggestion. Just because you think you know better doesn't mean they are wrong.. dude, dun be overly confident.. Seems like you are quite a hot-headed person man.. Hope this lil bit here dun get u flared up man.. haha..

anyway, your tank looks really blue..cool, if you like it.. I prefer whiter..

Live and Let Live

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Hey guys, we have been young before and it would be better to see from a 14 yr old kid point of view. Nicholas, there is no absolete right or wrong way of doing things. It's just a matter of how long the journey.

Nevertheless, enjoy this hobby now (or start this journey now)and maybe when u r our age (~30), u can provide better suggestion / advise to younger reefer. Who knows, maybe u may face another "A" class young reefer. Just my 1.5 cents worth. Cheers :D

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  • SRC Member

In wat ways is Southpaw23's advise to u burin ur ######.

Here is wat he posted initially.

Hey dude...

I don't mean to be a wet blanket or anything but there's some serious problems with your setup. How much research have you done before you started this tank?


"Dun ask me the specs.

I know nothing, i just know i got actinic light, filter, protein skimmer.

thats all lah!"

Just this statement alone sorta alarms me and i'm sure many others in this forum as well. Do you know what your water parameters are? It's really important that you are aware of what these parameters are as they will determine the long term health of your corals and fishes. And having that much live stock in your tank in only 3 months since it was setup is a lil too quick....your tank needs to mature to handle the Bio Load (it's the capability of the tanks bacteria to process the waste that is being produced by your livestock in your tank)

And one more thing, 11 FISHES in a 2.5 feet tank?? That my friend is WAYYY too many fishes for that little tank...

At the end of the day, you are of course allowed to do as you please with your tank but if you're in this forum, i'm assuming you are here to learn in someways...so please don't take this post the wrong way....my only concerns are for all your livestock...

do some more research and ask questions if you need to. And do it quick cos i doubt ur tank is going to be able to make it very long with the little that you have supporting it...

good luck...

Any bro here wanna comment regardin whether its harsh if u had someone postin the above regardin ur tank if u posted the way small boy posted his intro.?

And ur reply was;

ATTN: southpaw23!!!

Excuse me!!!

I have done lots of research in fact. I know my water parameters very well. Wat i mean is, dun ask me abt brands. Cos i dun buy brands. And I've also got a 2 tube white actinic.

And hello!!! Maybe you should check some things out first. The number of post is a good way to start. I do post LOTS of queries and even help some ppl out! And i dun juz comment and critic

I think 11 fishes are ok, cause i found out that my fishes arew generally smaller than others, who keep tangs and more tangs.

And a pt to make. My tank have lasted for 4 months. If u think i dun know anything, wouldnt my fishtank be in the storeroom rite now???

OH! and regarding the research u ask me to do, I'm sorry, but i am actually doing a project on it! If you had looked around, u would have noticed my topic on finding a mentor for it.

Here's a D'OH and a DUH for you!

Have a nice day!

Note: Messing with the Shii-devil 's fan is not allowed in Singapore!!!

If u r sayin pple's postin is so harsh on u then wat abt urs.

And mine initially.....

Care to share ur tank spec as in water parameters, type of lightin, filtration,.....

And ur ans;

Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

No nh3.

acceptable n03 and no2.

ph: 8

kh: 18 (too high) but will go down in time.


The sea pen that i have isn't like the ones that i found in the net, not liveaquaria, so u sure cant blame me for that. i know its needs, i juz dun noe the name. then you will say, u're contradicting urself. then i will say i got the info from the seller.

And the lights....

i on the blue light only in the morning and at night .

the rest of the time i on the 2 tube white actinic.

And the anemone...

do u know that some freakin ones actually prefer to stick on walls even with good water quality?

bet u dun noe.

i pick one to inhabit the wall so i can have more space. and if u insist ur way, then heres one arguement for u. my anemone is actually so near the floor, that it is nearly touching the floor. pls dun tell me that it cant make up its mind.

and if the anemone is in bad condition, the tomato would not even wanna be near it!

My tone in the first post is like an informal tone of joking. i really dun understand the names of brands. like atman, teco or god knows wat.

the duno know much refers to brands not other things. then u will say its not specific. but who gives to u? i certainly dont!

U nvr mentioned anythin abt brands initially

I also didnt say i am an expert in this. every is still learning. i even dare say that AT is still learning some new stuff a day. if u think i'm an expert i dun mind, but pls dun assume i said i was an expert.

And about the ego, i find your telepathy way of ASSuming the most egoistic that i have seen in my whole life.

And to ur question of "I decided to post up my tank to increase my no. of posts to date. ".

its a joke. and if u dun see that its one, u're too serious.

and errum...


and southpaw23, in my opinion, u're attacking ppl in ur last posts, sorry if you dun like it.

Wat i say is harsh but u gotta forgive me for the fact that i'm 14.

14 meanin u can go ard doin anythin u deem fit. I will personally strangle ur tiny neck shd u ended up in the interview room with me and tellin me: "i break the law but i m only 14 so u must forgive me". Then i also can tell u, we r harsh coz "tats how an adult tok to kid".

So......all i did is juz to ask for some details nicely and the way u replied in exclaimation mark :blink: So who is being impolite initially.

My rules of engagement is very simple, u dun step on my tail, i will leave u in peace be it u r 14 or even 6. :angry:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
give that poor guy a break. he will learn over time. cheers :P

yup...sianz liaoz. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

The 'Hello' refers to southpaw23 and wat part did he insulted me?

Southpaw23:Just this statement alone sorta ALARMS me and i'm sure many others in this forum as well. Do you know what your water parameters are? It's really important that you are aware of what these parameters are as they will determine the long term health of your corals and fishes. And having that much live stock in your tank in only 3 months since it was setup is a lil too quick....your tank needs to mature to handle the Bio Load (it's the capability of the tanks bacteria to process the waste that is being produced by your livestock in your tank)

You see, if he had asked for my water parameters or other stuff instead of assuming that i dun know anything at all.

and for the record,

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

the you refers to the rude people(southpaw23) who asked for them.

if u did notice southpaw23 did ask for my parameters.

Do you know what your water parameters are?

so wat do u gotta SAY about that.

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  • SRC Member

Ques "Do u knw wat ur parameters are?" aka "have u eaten" =

Ans "Yes/ No" tats all, simple and straight forward. Nobody askin wat u had for lunch. (Must b somthin wrong with the educational methods nowadays...kids like to think out of the box easily :blink: ) Generation gap? :whistle

And y would pple assumin u dunno anythin? Juz put urself in other's shoes and look at ur initial post. I would say his initial advise/ comments meant well and becoz of the way u pharse and posted ur initial thread so casually makes pple wonder if u really knw or simply ct be bothered. And if u do knw, then u would not have stocked up so egarly in tat small tank especially when the below 2 citeria are not met yet. Its always water conditions, equipments then LS. And to knw water parameters, u nd equipment such as test kits to tell. Nobody asked u for brands anyway. And lastly, u see...if u have posted properly in the first place then nobody would have said anythin.

Now, u r sayin:

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

the you refers to the rude people(southpaw23) who asked for them.

if u did notice southpaw23 did ask for my parameters

then y the followin?

Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

Doesn't the "All of You" include me who asked for some specs nicely and i had posted it way before u posted the above reply and not after.

If u still insist u r rite then y r bro here not siding with u? Anyway, so be it. Let u win :heh:

The sun will still shine tmw with or w/o u anyway.

Enjoy the rest of ur sch year. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
Ques "Do u knw wat ur parameters are?" aka "have u eaten" =

Ans "Yes/ No" tats all, simple and straight forward. Nobody askin wat u had for lunch. (Must b somthin wrong with the educational methods nowadays...kids like to think out of the box easily :blink: ) Generation gap? :whistle

And y would pple assumin u dunno anythin? Juz put urself in other's shoes and look at ur initial post. I would say his initial advise/ comments meant well and becoz of the way u pharse and posted ur initial thread so casually makes pple wonder if u really knw or simply ct be bothered. And if u do knw, then u would not have stocked up so egarly in tat small tank especially when the below 2 citeria are not met yet. Its always water conditions, equipments then LS. And to knw water parameters, u nd equipment such as test kits to tell. Nobody asked u for brands anyway. And lastly, u see...if u have posted properly in the first place then nobody would have said anythin.

Now, u r sayin:

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

the you refers to the rude people(southpaw23) who asked for them.

if u did notice southpaw23 did ask for my parameters

then y the followin?

Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

Doesn't the "All of You" include me who asked for some specs nicely and i had posted it way before u posted the above reply and not after.

If u still insist u r rite then y r bro here not siding with u? Anyway, so be it. Let u win :heh:

The sun will still shine tmw with or w/o u anyway.

Enjoy the rest of ur sch year. ;)

hiyah enough la. poor kid man. even though he has to learn a little more respect and correct his AP but i think u should just give him a break man. if u offer ur help n he doent want it u dun lose anythng....

dun be so stressed up abt this. :peace:

and to the felloer little reefer, take it easy man. dun worry bout this thread but put ur energy in reading up more and maebe try to improve slowly. one more thing, dont le this hobby distract u from ur sch. it happened to me during olevels last yr n i regretted it

hope i didnt offend u though :angel::peace:

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  • SRC Member

I believe nicholas needs more info pertaining keeping a marine tank. Since he posted the pics showing his tank, he would also have to accept whatever remarks that come his way, good or bad. Also there are other experienced reefer out there who are quite shocked and dismay seeing the condition of the LS in Nicholas tank. By providing some info and remark, they would expect Nicholas to heed to their free advice.

Nicholas, do accept their advice. You are still young and have many more years ahead of you. You are also lucky too to have this forum to learn from. There are not many 14 year old who could start this hobby. Be mindful in replying to the elder here. They are not like your school buddy where you can yell at if you are angry. You are here to learn more about this hobby.

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  • SRC Member

Wow...i've only been gone for 3 days and this is what this thread has come to.....

Interesting to see how one reply can bring out the true nature of people.

I'm tempted to just not bother with this thread anymore as it has probably been a waste of time for most of us here (some more polite to admit than others)

The fact of the matter is, irregardless of whether ppl have said it politely or impolitely to you, Nicholas....there is a glaring fact you will need to face up to sometime in your life....if not now, it will catch up with you in the future and that is unfortunately....ur arrogance at such a young age.

I'd like to thank Jd_n for reposting my first reply to you and highlighting in the end when i said very clearly "so please don't take this post the wrong way....my only concerns are for all your livestock..." What does please don't take it the wrong way mean to you? and mind you i said PLEASE.....And please remember that my reply was solely based on your first few post which really doesn't give ppl any info whatsoever on your knowledge or your condition of your tank.....making silly statements like "don't ask me la...i don't know" gives ppl the simple impression that you just....Don't Know.....

None of the ppl that posted their replies to you were trying to attack you....not even me....but because you were so defensive to begin with, you retaliated the minute an unpositive feedback came your way.

As a complete waste of my time...i have actually read back the entire thread and noticed that not once have you actually taken anybody's advice...AT ALL.....u were always quick to respond to postive remarks like "Hey...nice tank"...but the minute a person were to "comment" on it....u jump the gun and start rattling off in defence for everything....

You are welcome to defend yourself again as i am sure you will but unfortunately...i won't be here to read it as there really isn't a point....

all i can say at the end of the day...Good Luck on your tank and on ur future.....i'm sure in time you'll learn...maybe now's not the right time.....

ps. Jd_n - ur right....just let him win.....so nicholas...U WIN!.... ;)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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Wow...i know that i'm just gonna be throwing gasoline to the flames here but i thought this bit of information was pretty interesting...

here's something i picked up from one of your older threads nicholas:


It started last wk.

2 fishes died (royal dottyback, orange tang) with a bloated tummy.

The next day, 4 others died(3 mandrains, 1 bi-color blenny)

I also found 1 bristle worm abt 6inches long, and a few smaller ones

2 days later, my 4-spotted wrasse thats been with me for 3 months has been attacked and you can see moss growing on the wound. Real Big Wound!

The next day, my 3-stripe humbug got a small wound at the head area.

My cleaner shrimp also died.While my other one molted.

Now i'm not trying to bring up the past here but let's just review the facts here.....

U have a 2.5 feet tank....and a month ago you had close to 14 FISHES in the tank and 3 of them were mandarins?? if you DID do your research, you would know that not even 1 mandarin would be able to survive in your tank...let alone 3? No doubt, they are beautiful fishes...and many a times, i have tried to justify to myself in getting one but the thought of starving it to death (no doubt more slowly in my tank than in the LFS)...i decided against it....now i'm not saying that it's not possible to keep it.....i've researched and found ppl who have...i just didn't feel i was willing to put in the AMOUNT of time and effort it would require to keep it alive......but the ppl who have successfully kept them....have only had one...and not 3...and not in a small a system as yours....

And funny that no one has brought up about your naso tang dying in ur tank recently...those guys grow to pretty big and aren't supposed to be in your tank to begin with.....

I'm sorry but from what i've read from your postings and your experience with this hobby....it's surprising that no one else has brought up about your high number of fishes and fish choice for the matter.....no wonder they're dying....

but then again...i guess if you've got the money to blow and your conscience doesn't bug you about killin those fishes, then again....ur free to do what you like.....

all this is way too much for me....i think it's a lost cause...sorry.....but it really bugs me when ppl are not responsible in this hobby...and please don't try to justify that you ARE responsible...coz clearly....YOUR NOT!.....but maybe through time....you will be.....GOOD LUCK!

----i'm out-----------

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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