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Survivor: Nicholas's 2.5 ft Tank


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4 months big deal. i kept a fowlr tank.. for half a yr. no probs. one day. felt bored. decided not enough sand. so bought sand from some guy who was quitting. bad choice.. within one week.. brown algae on my walls.. your lights dont look enough. dont yaya.

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Care to share ur tank spec as in water parameters, type of lightin, filtration,.....


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

As mentioned by Kalib.....the number of post that you have on this forum unfortunately doesn't prove a thing about your knowledge in reef keeping. Listen to what you're saying in this post and tell me if it doesn't come off somewhat ignorant:


"I decided to post up my tank to increase my no. of posts to date. "

Is this what you mean by having numerous post? Because, i can easily run around and post a thousand post in a day but that doesn't make me more experienced in this field.

Mind you i don't even claim to be experience in this field as i've had my tank for a little over half a year but i do take my time in setting my tank up and actually do alot of research..not just from this sites but various other sites as well. And your claim that your tank has been around for 4 months as Kalib and xaLmoN has pointed out isn't a very long time at all. The reason i posted my comments was simply as a word of caution to you...not as a means of attacking you...

The worse thing to have in this hobby is an EGO.....no ones trying to put u down here. But from what little information that you have given us about your tank.....it's a little alarming......As you have already seen, i'll will bet my bottom dollar that if you ask anyone else in this forum...they will tell you that you have insufficient lighting for your corals....let alone an ANEMONE! And if you did some research on anemones, you'll also note that unhappy and stressed anemones tend to stick to tank walls and that is exactly what yours is doing.

U seem to be contradicting yourself alot in your post which is whats making me bring up the question on whether u research. Firstly, you clearly stated in your first post "Dun as me specs" and then your reply to me states that "what you mean is, dun as me brands" There is a big difference between the two. And if you are fully aware of your specs then funny enough, why haven't you posted ur tank parameters? By doing so, it allows us a better gauge as to how your tank is doing with the extremely high bioload.

Secondly, if you truly are a person that researches before anything else. Why would you need our help in IDing the sea pen in your tank. Don't you think it's just a little irresponsible to be buying livestock without knowing it's requirements and care level first...let alone it's name? To help, since you've already bought it...you might wanna check out this site which gives you some info on it's care level etc...


Of course, more searches on the web would help you deal with it better in the future as well.

Again...i'm sorry if i came off a little harsh in some parts of my thread but your response to my earlier thread was fairly dissapointing the way you obviously reacted defensively and in a hostile manner. But i suppose that is a natural human response when they feel that they are being attacked. Which is why i repeat myself over and over again...this is not an attack on you but a word of caution for the safety and long life of your inhabitants in your tank.

What you choose to do from now on i suppose is entirely up to you, you can choose to take the advice given to you on this post, not just by me but apparently by others as well....or you can be contented with your current setup and "see" how long it last.

The choice is yours....choose wisely...


Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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Oh and by the way...jd_n...i like your sig

"There are 2 type of person, those that chose to learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way " ;)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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well.. nic, i think tat bro just say something positive, dun think he meant any negative things. It's always good to noe ur specs of ur tank.. and some comments given by bros here abt ur lighting are true also.. ;)

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member

Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

No nh3.

acceptable n03 and no2.

ph: 8

kh: 18 (too high) but will go down in time.


The sea pen that i have isn't like the ones that i found in the net, not liveaquaria, so u sure cant blame me for that. i know its needs, i juz dun noe the name. then you will say, u're contradicting urself. then i will say i got the info from the seller.

And the lights....

i on the blue light only in the morning and at night .

the rest of the time i on the 2 tube white actinic.

And the anemone...

do u know that some freakin ones actually prefer to stick on walls even with good water quality?

bet u dun noe.

i pick one to inhabit the wall so i can have more space. and if u insist ur way, then heres one arguement for u. my anemone is actually so near the floor, that it is nearly touching the floor. pls dun tell me that it cant make up its mind.

and if the anemone is in bad condition, the tomato would not even wanna be near it!

My tone in the first post is like an informal tone of joking. i really dun understand the names of brands. like atman, teco or god knows wat.

the duno know much refers to brands not other things. then u will say its not specific. but who gives to u? i certainly dont!

I also didnt say i am an expert in this. every is still learning. i even dare say that AT is still learning some new stuff a day. if u think i'm an expert i dun mind, but pls dun assume i said i was an expert.

And about the ego, i find your telepathy way of ASSuming the most egoistic that i have seen in my whole life.

And to ur question of "I decided to post up my tank to increase my no. of posts to date. ".

its a joke. and if u dun see that its one, u're too serious.

and errum...


and southpaw23, in my opinion, u're attacking ppl in ur last posts, sorry if you dun like it.

Wat i say is harsh but u gotta forgive me for the fact that i'm 14.

I have to stop now before i get a warning from AT for shouting abusive language through the forum.

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  • SRC Member

franking speaking..

NH4 should be 0

NO2 should be 0 and not just acceptable

NO3...as low as you can....recommended 0..usually hard to get that..maybe on the avg 5ppm

I don't understand by what you have said...you don't use brand?..for what? test kits? If it's test kits...branded will give u the accurate reading....I used to used those cheap brands....reading is different from those with branded....Salifert will be a good choice...

PH 8...and dkh 18....can that be happen? maybe those senior reefers can say something abt it...i think a few mths back...quite a few debates on this..

White actinic??...Does we have that for marine reef keeping? I dont think so....you meant White lighting as in 10,000k?....or 6500k....you have to check it out.... and those coral you have need MH lighting....not recommended for normal lighting...

From the posts you have...my personnel opinion is that...there's things you still not sure....and don't know what they are really called....still inexperience if you ask me....BUT....do continue to learn...I'm have been reefing for a year...and I still consider new....


Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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there is white actinic. trust me.

tester is tetra for others and azoo for ph

and confirm that dkh is 18 while ph is 8.

coralreef is a much better speaker thn southpaw23.

he/she can phrase much better.

Doesnt sound rude or anything.

brands as in filter, chiller....

More coralreefs around could do us good. :D

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anyway, I'm just a nobody.....I just don't want to make any more "events" down here....

anyway....tetra and azoo are not so good....azoo don't give accurate readings at all....it's totally waste of $$$

white actinic....maybe just a gimmick for those manufactuerer who just went into the marine reefing industry

Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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  nicholasloh said:
Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

No nh3.

acceptable n03 and no2.

ph: 8

kh: 18 (too high) but will go down in time.


The sea pen that i have isn't like the ones that i found in the net, not liveaquaria, so u sure cant blame me for that. i know its needs, i juz dun noe the name. then you will say, u're contradicting urself. then i will say i got the info from the seller.

And the lights....

i on the blue light only in the morning and at night .

the rest of the time i on the 2 tube white actinic.

And the anemone...

do u know that some freakin ones actually prefer to stick on walls even with good water quality?

bet u dun noe.

i pick one to inhabit the wall so i can have more space. and if u insist ur way, then heres one arguement for u. my anemone is actually so near the floor, that it is nearly touching the floor. pls dun tell me that it cant make up its mind.

and if the anemone is in bad condition, the tomato would not even wanna be near it!

My tone in the first post is like an informal tone of joking. i really dun understand the names of brands. like atman, teco or god knows wat.

the duno know much refers to brands not other things. then u will say its not specific. but who gives to u? i certainly dont!

I also didnt say i am an expert in this. every is still learning. i even dare say that AT is still learning some new stuff a day. if u think i'm an expert i dun mind, but pls dun assume i said i was an expert.

And about the ego, i find your telepathy way of ASSuming the most egoistic that i have seen in my whole life.

And to ur question of "I decided to post up my tank to increase my no. of posts to date. ".

its a joke. and if u dun see that its one, u're too serious.

and errum...


and southpaw23, in my opinion, u're attacking ppl in ur last posts, sorry if you dun like it.

Wat i say is harsh but u gotta forgive me for the fact that i'm 14.

I have to stop now before i get a warning from AT for shouting abusive language through the forum.

Seriously FYI........ an anemone is bad conditon will still continue to host clown.... Clown fish are attracted to anemone regardless whther they are in good condition or bad and that is how many anemone die... stress from its host especially big host such as tomato or maroon clown. Anemone demand lots of light.. i suggest you to go at least t5s or MH, or else the anemone is sure to suffer... No anemone would live just by feeding afterall the presence or zooanthelle is not there fro nothing :lol::lol::lol:

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  coralreef said:
anyway, I'm just a nobody.....I just don't want to make any more "events" down here....

anyway....tetra and azoo are not so good....azoo don't give accurate readings at all....it's totally waste of $$$

white actinic....maybe just a gimmick for those manufactuerer who just went into the marine reefing industry

yeah.. I quite sure that actinic only comes in blue..... ;););)

BTW i notice that you have yellow coris in your tank.... suggest you remove that soon or else you gonna lose all your shrimp..... THEY ARE WRASSE AFTERALL :lol::lol::lol:

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  Dispar_Anthias said:

yeah.. I quite sure that actinic only comes in blue..... ;););)

BTW i notice that you have yellow coris in your tank.... suggest you remove that soon or else you gonna lose all your shrimp..... THEY ARE WRASSE AFTERALL :lol::lol::lol:

yup i agree. warrases eat shrip. my 6line ate my glass anemone shrimp <_<

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  Dispar_Anthias said:
BTW i notice that you have yellow coris in your tank.... suggest you remove that soon or else you gonna lose all your shrimp..... THEY ARE WRASSE AFTERALL :lol::lol::lol:

cleaner wrasse dont eat shrimps. B)

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  nicholasloh said:
Stop it!!!

All Of you!!!

If you want my parameters i will give u!!!

No nh3.

acceptable n03 and no2.

ph: 8

kh: 18 (too high) but will go down in time.


The sea pen that i have isn't like the ones that i found in the net, not liveaquaria, so u sure cant blame me for that. i know its needs, i juz dun noe the name. then you will say, u're contradicting urself. then i will say i got the info from the seller.

And the lights....

i on the blue light only in the morning and at night .

the rest of the time i on the 2 tube white actinic.

And the anemone...

do u know that some freakin ones actually prefer to stick on walls even with good water quality?

bet u dun noe.

i pick one to inhabit the wall so i can have more space. and if u insist ur way, then heres one arguement for u. my anemone is actually so near the floor, that it is nearly touching the floor. pls dun tell me that it cant make up its mind.

and if the anemone is in bad condition, the tomato would not even wanna be near it!

My tone in the first post is like an informal tone of joking. i really dun understand the names of brands. like atman, teco or god knows wat.

the duno know much refers to brands not other things. then u will say its not specific. but who gives to u? i certainly dont!

I also didnt say i am an expert in this. every is still learning. i even dare say that AT is still learning some new stuff a day. if u think i'm an expert i dun mind, but pls dun assume i said i was an expert.

And about the ego, i find your telepathy way of ASSuming the most egoistic that i have seen in my whole life.

And to ur question of "I decided to post up my tank to increase my no. of posts to date. ".

its a joke. and if u dun see that its one, u're too serious.

and errum...


and southpaw23, in my opinion, u're attacking ppl in ur last posts, sorry if you dun like it.

Wat i say is harsh but u gotta forgive me for the fact that i'm 14.

I have to stop now before i get a warning from AT for shouting abusive language through the forum.

Acceptable no2? No such thing as acceptable No2, it must be and should be 0. <_<

Only such a thing as acceptable no3.

White actinic? :lol: I've only heard of actinic blue in all my life. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us with more information on white actinic?

Good water quality isn't all to it to keeping an anemone, if you've done homework you should know that. <_< You need strong lighting and weak lighting can cause an anemone to stick to the wall to reach out to the light.

Southpaw23 is trying to give you some feedback and i agree with what he and the others have to say about your tank.

By reading the way you type, you already sound like a kid, no need tell us your 14 :lol: I think you should tone down on the way you express yourself, the way you express yourself, to me i interpret it as you seem very defensive towards people that are making negative comments about your tank. And oh yah, there's a slight hint of arrogance IMO.

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Infact there is such thing as Actinic White. ;) The Actinic White is the first of its kind, contains a rare mixture of triband and actinic phosphors for great color rendition (5000K) and a special actinic phosphor (7100K) which provides a realistic and life supporting spectrum needed by live rock, coral, anemones and related marine life. Common Nicknames: 50/50 bulb, 10K bulb.

I m not siding him but the fact is there is this kinda of light. :lol:

I have actually read thru his thread when he first posted and i nearly wanna gun him dwn with wat he mentioned in his startin thread but keep forgettin abt it and now wat the hack. He is juz a small boy with a long way to go. If i m his english teacher, i would have fainted after readin how he construct his sentences. :pinch:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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hi young nicholasloh,

ppl in the forum is giving u their advise even if u dun agree u dun hav to be so defensive.all the ppl here are learning through their experience so be grateful that they are willing to share.


:peace: anyway nice LS u hav (hope u get them a bigger n better home soon :) (they do grow big)

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See... There is white actinic!

On a lighter note, i dont write like this for english, i usually get an A for it ok.

Dun worry abt the yellow wrasse. its very safe with my fires and corals. i have been keeping it for months liao. unlike the article on it by liveaquaria...expert level (RIGHTO!)

I've also got lots of zooplankton for my anemone lah.

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  • SRC Member
  nicholasloh said:
See... There is white actinic!

On a lighter note, i dont write like this for english, i usually get an A for it ok.

Dun worry abt the yellow wrasse. its very safe with my fires and corals. i have been keeping it for months liao. unlike the article on it by liveaquaria...expert level (RIGHTO!)

I've also got lots of zooplankton for my anemone lah.

If u dun write like this then y u write like this in the first place. :blink: I believe AT would like us to practice proper pharsing of sentences to assist in easiler reading and understanding too. From wat i see...basically u r not interested in learnin or takin in good advise. And wat does havin zooplankton for ur anemone prove? Without the proper environment....u can feed him abalone, lobster also won't do him gd. And since tat arrogance of urs are tat high.....y seek suggestion/ solution when u can't even take them :blink:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  jd_n said:

If u dun write like this then y u write like this in the first place. :blink: I believe AT would like us to practice proper pharsing of sentences to assist in easiler reading and understanding too. From wat i see...basically u r not interested in learnin or takin in good advise. And wat does havin zooplankton for ur anemone prove? Without the proper environment....u can feed him abalone, lobster also won't do him gd. And since tat arrogance of urs are tat high.....y seek suggestion/ solution when u can't even take them :blink:

Why i write like this?

Because it isn't formal. Its much easier.

Me not accepting ur suggestions and solutions...err... did u give any???

Pls enlighten me thx.(sincerely)

For ur info, Mr EL teacher...

Most of the comments were on the light and anemone problem.

And now that most of them know about the white actinic, there isn't much problem about the light. Rite?

Another comment was on the yellow coris/wrasse problem. And i said that they dun attack my corals and shrimps at all. And that they have been in my tank for a long time.

So thats settled.

Me not accepting ur suggestions and solutions...err... did u guys give any more???

Pls enlighten me on them, maybe i missed them .

thx(Thanks in a sincere manner!)

Edited to ensure that u guys understand what i'm saying.

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