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3ft shallow reefs ocean

Kelvin Ang

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After using 2 different brand of test kit 527509f899bf30b18e3d5eb43d49da5c.jpg8306132a585cca35b44aee2a8069fdc7.jpg

My water test both is

calcium 190

Dkh 4

Mag 1280

No3 0ppm

Po4 0.025ppm

Omg I need to buy a calcium reactor soon !!!!

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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Never try SEA hare? 

I have lots of HA also. I bought a black Sea hare from Marine Life and everything settle

I saw sea hares too but it looks very girly..... I scare it bite me

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
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your parameter is way out. Doing a major water change with a good Salt would help to rectify it fast.

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

I'm waiting to put a cr reactor in soon . I'm been busy with boss this week . Now no stock for good salt . Need to wait new stock arrive next month

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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CR more for maintaining the level. To bring up the calcium and alkalinity, dosing will be faster. Or do large water change.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thx bro . Noted . Now I'm waiting for new salt stock so I can do a large water change. Hehe

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice setup bro. Glad to see another zeovit user! Good thing is Zeovit much more accessible and readily available now adays.

Heres my suggestions, like HM mentioned, u need to do a large water change to bring the CA and Alk up.

Alternatively, u can dose premixed CA and Alk directly into the tank, do a slow drip method over a couple of days. I used to use this brand called ESV B-ionic 2 part. Its the best remedy to bring your ca and alk back to where u want it, followed by tuning your CR to maintain the ideal parameters. This method will be your best friend when it comes to using a CR. 

Personally, I'll hold off adding any new sps for now, until you get ur parameters in placed. Because u dont want to get disheartened when u start seeing corals stn/rtn. Its a painful learning process, which hopefully you wont go through. 

Your light set seems a bit small in length, and I understand you are looking for a shallow tank set up. My advise is maybe u can lower the light set slightly more. This will get u additional PAR since your scape is rather low. Put the high light demanding corals i.e Majority SPS, centralised in the tank, with the less demanding corals around it i.e LPS , Birdnest, digitata etc. Futher down the road, you can consider supplementing with leds, The AI prime looks like it can easily be customised to fit onto the T5, 2 x AI prime will be sweet. But that can come later. 

Stick with the basic 4 for now, or if u really wan, u can start dosing Amino Acids and Coral vitaliser (no po4). 

Whatever you decide to dose, dose in small quantities and observe a few days. Thats the best way to go about with zeovit. 

Enjoy ur tank!


I Love Stagsss

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  • SRC Member
Very nice setup bro. Glad to see another zeovit user! Good thing is Zeovit much more accessible and readily available now adays.

Heres my suggestions, like HM mentioned, u need to do a large water change to bring the CA and Alk up.

Alternatively, u can dose premixed CA and Alk directly into the tank, do a slow drip method over a couple of days. I used to use this brand called ESV B-ionic 2 part. Its the best remedy to bring your ca and alk back to where u want it, followed by tuning your CR to maintain the ideal parameters. This method will be your best friend when it comes to using a CR. 

Personally, I'll hold off adding any new sps for now, until you get ur parameters in placed. Because u dont want to get disheartened when u start seeing corals stn/rtn. Its a painful learning process, which hopefully you wont go through. 

Your light set seems a bit small in length, and I understand you are looking for a shallow tank set up. My advise is maybe u can lower the light set slightly more. This will get u additional PAR since your scape is rather low. Put the high light demanding corals i.e Majority SPS, centralised in the tank, with the less demanding corals around it i.e LPS , Birdnest, digitata etc. Futher down the road, you can consider supplementing with leds, The AI prime looks like it can easily be customised to fit onto the T5, 2 x AI prime will be sweet. But that can come later. 

Stick with the basic 4 for now, or if u really wan, u can start dosing Amino Acids and Coral vitaliser (no po4). 

Whatever you decide to dose, dose in small quantities and observe a few days. Thats the best way to go about with zeovit. 

Enjoy ur tank!

Thx you zeovit shifu . I will do small dosing and use the basic 4 till I hit UNLS for the water .

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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