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My Reef Tank

Darren Sim

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Sorry ! I believed there's an error in my post about the FTS photos! Here you go! It looks kinda empty now because have been selling some colonies and frag that didn't appeal to my eyes. Now waiting for need shipments to stock up! Otherwise have a GOOD MONDAY BLUES ! 38901115f85f4cb34eff2e53cd944501.jpg

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Agree....very nice upgrades!
Are you not using a PH controller for your calcium reactor?

I'm not using any PH controller for my CR. i usually will max out my output and play with just the bubble counts. So far my kh have always remain at 7-8. I have no issue for that unless i put in new corals then have to observe again.

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By the way! Went home afterwork to finish up my L1 connection! L1(return pump) ==> Display Tank / Calcium reactor & Chiller. Also retidy up my wires! Next up is getting a cabinet to cover over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Your new scape looks good.

What I read was the best way to arrange corals is to place colors opposite of the color wheel close to each other for best contrast.



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Your new scape looks good.
What I read was the best way to arrange corals is to place colors opposite of the color wheel close to each other for best contrast.

Thank you for the little note! I'll take note of that!

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Yes, I also marvel at the way Darren scape his rock... beautiful set up

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Hey bro, thank you for your kind words! It seems like you're also starting a new tank too. My rock scape is this. Hope this will help !!
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Hopefully can built an amazing tank like yours one day :thumbsup:
BTW, what did you feed your copperband? I tried two different copperbands but both wasted away to death. Tried feeding mysis shrimp, clam, cockle, all no luck :cry:

Hahaha. How i wish my sps colors are as colorful as yours. Going to change to AF to see whether i can get the same results as you. Btw you can try to buy nyos goldpods. Really good stuff. After 2tries it started to eat.

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7 hours ago, Darren Sim said:


Hahaha. How i wish my sps colors are as colorful as yours. Going to change to AF to see whether i can get the same results as you. Btw you can try to buy nyos goldpods. Really good stuff. After 2tries it started to eat.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Oh, thanks for the tip. Will try to look for the goldpods. Hopefully you can get good result with AF :thumbsup: 

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Update !

Today finally got to change my salt and products to Aquaforest after months of hesitating. Recently i feel that it has been a "hu-ha" about Aquaforest. Seen many beautiful and successful Aquaforest tank and some sell all the Aquaforest products so i decided to experience myself with Aquaforest products. First thing I'm attracted by Aquaforest products is due to it's bright purple color packaging. To be honest i really love the color of the packaging *Bonus point*. Gotten a Probiotic salt, coral A,B,E,V and coral food to try it out. 



Currently dosing:

  1. Pro Bio S (Daily, 3 drops)
  2. Coral A,B,E,V (Daily, 3 drops)
  3. Coral Food (Twice a week)
  4. Probiotic Reef Salt (Once every two weeks)


Not suitable to give any comments now because today is mine first time doing Coral A,B,E,V but i have been dosing Pro Bio S ever since i started my tank. I can say so far so good, managed to bring my PO4 and NO3 to very low. I'm dosing 3 drops daily and one good thing for using Aquaforest is that your tank won't crash or such even thought you skip the dosing for a few days <14days have yet to try that but this is what i heard. 

To ease my trouble i built a ugly tray to store my Aquaforest additives in my sump. 



I gonna keep a look out of my tank and corals after using Aquaforest. I will do a review on the salt when i Waterchange and that will probably be end of next week? Does Aquaforest salt and additives that good? I shall see after 1 month of using it. Current FTS !



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Loots from recent Reefing Reality (RR) 1st shipment. It's a new shop located @ 17 Dairy farm rd. Their first shipment is not that bad. Really impressed with the SPS colors. These are the fews i bought but hopefully i can retain the color well.


My tank is almost full so now going to sit back and let it grow.

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