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My Reef Tank

Darren Sim

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Congratulations on winning the wavemaker.

Its not hard to control. Its a nice powerful wavemaker which has more features than the Jebao RW series, so its just a matter of getting used to the buttons.

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Congratulations on winning the wavemaker.

Its not hard to control. Its a nice powerful wavemaker which has more features than the Jebao RW series, so its just a matter of getting used to the buttons.

Thank you so much! It's hard for me maybe because it's my first time using it but now I managed to control it to what i wanted.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • 3 weeks later...

Recently just did a 70% WaterChange because of sudden ick breakout. Unfortunately i lost one of my true percula clownfish and midas. Emotional feeling because midas is my longest fish in my tank and that clownfish is my favourite. Others are still treating with Ick Shield pellet with a mixed of garlic guard. Hope my another clownfish and Purple tang will suffer this ick.

Some of my top photos while doing my waterchange.


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Whaaaa u change 70% with no off light your sps can take it

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thank you. I waterchange to clear my ich and also perform my monthly waterchange too. Hmm. My corals all doing good now ah so no problem.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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I'm afraid the ich will always be there unless you do a 8weeks fallow. But this doesn't mean that all your fishes will get infected because some may have a strong immune system. Would treat with polyp lab medic or let it fallow

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Update ! 


All pictures are taken by samsung s6 without any filters. Recently just add DIY 18 3watts LED to increase my par. Hopefully my colours will pop without any color elements. So far parameters are all on par. 

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On Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 8:57 PM, Darren Sim said:

Quick update 

Hi guys, My tank have been running for about 2 months. Just want to post and learn new things from each other! I decided to go the safest way by coral dip every corals i buy no matter by reefers or LFS. My rocks are also being bleach and vinegar sock before using. My tank have overcome Brown Diatoms and Recently Hair Algea. 

<b>Tank and General Equipments:</b>

- 36"x30"x18" Coast to Coast Bean Animal (Made by "AA")

- Skimz RR113 Recirculating Biopellet Reactor (Running on premium AIO) 

- Skimz SV 203 Oval Protein Skimmer

- Jebao DC12k pump (Main return)

- Eden 140 (Running for my chiller and Calcium Reactor) 

- HS90A Chiller

- CM 122 Calcium Reactor

- Gyre 130 Wavemaker

- Jebao Rw 15 

- ATI sunpower non-dimmable 6tubes
(Blue Plus, Coral Plus, Purple Plus, Actinic, Coral Plus, Blue Plus) 

- Medias (Marine pure balls, Marine Pure Block, Biohome, Siporex) 

<b>Fish stocks</b>
- PBT ( Fish channel 4months old)
- Two true percular clownfish ( Fresh water LFS 1month old)
- Golden Midas (AM 6months old)
- Cleaner Wrasse (Pinnacle 1month old)
- Algae blenny (Pinnacle 1month old) 
- CUC (1x black sea cucumber, 2x sea hares, 3x sally lightfoot carb, 8x Turbo snails and 2x sand shifting starfish) 

Let the pictures do the talking. image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg




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On Friday, June 03, 2016 at 6:25 AM, Darren Sim said:

Update abit!

Recently my kh managed to stay stable at 8-9 with my Calcium Reactor without any ph controller. Po4 is still fluctuating between 4-20 (hanna checker) trying to keep it around 15. Have been controlling my feeding to meet my requirements for my po4 and no3. Have not water change my tank for about 2 1/2 weeks. Hoping to prolong that to 3-4weeks by using DD h20 salt. It's a new salt that I'm using. Heard alot of reviews for this salt but have yet to try. Will give it a goal and hope my sps will love it!


Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


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  • 3 weeks later...

Update !

An important lesson to learn! 

Last week i came home and greeted by a silent tank. I was shocked because my lights will still on till 12midnight. I quickly went to take a look at my tank and realised my six line wrasse is unconscious, lying down on my sand bed then i went to check what was the issue. Didn't expected one of my extension plug tripped. I believe the fuse melted due to high voltage. It didn't happened to me at all for the past 4 months plus. So I decided to get an "insurance" for my tank and after much consideration of UPS and Battery pack. I've decided to go with Battery pack with MP40 to replace my RW15. Heard from one of the reefer "Leon" his MP10 & MP40 can last for 55hours with vortech battery pack. So i hope my MP40 can last more than 55hours during power failure but it's still depends on how many percent you run. I know running at around 65%. Going to tried and see how long can my MP40 last during power trip. Lesson learnt: Just spent abit more money on reliable and reputation equipment especially like Vortech. Don't save just a bit of money by getting second hand equipments because good equipments really can help you in the future. I bought my MP40 and battery pack from REEFMARKETSG. Patrick (Owner) provides really good service, he's super thoughtful too so if you're planning to get any Reef Depot can look for him! You will definitely get a good online shopping experience! Planning to get Reeflink and L1 or  M1 from him in near future. image.jpegimage.jpeg

Review on GOLDPOD!!
Heard alot of good reviews on this too! It smells horrible(Freshness) but fishes love it! I tried feeding some to my fishes and they just eat immediately. It's really good stuff! image.jpeg

Today's FULL TANK SHOT with my new MP40! 

Happy reefing guys! 

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Update !

An important lesson to learn! 

Last week i came home and greeted by a silent tank. I was shocked because my lights will still on till 12midnight. I quickly went to take a look at my tank and realised my six line wrasse is unconscious, lying down on my sand bed then i went to check what was the issue. Didn't expected one of my extension plug tripped. I believe the fuse melted due to high voltage. It didn't happened to me at all for the past 4 months plus. So I decided to get an "insurance" for my tank and after much consideration of UPS and Battery pack. I've decided to go with Battery pack with MP40 to replace my RW15. Heard from one of the reefer "Leon" his MP10 & MP40 can last for 55hours with vortech battery pack. So i hope my MP40 can last more than 55hours during power failure but it's still depends on how many percent you run. I know running at around 65%. Going to tried and see how long can my MP40 last during power trip. Lesson learnt: Just spent abit more money on reliable and reputation equipment especially like Vortech. Don't save just a bit of money by getting second hand equipments because good equipments really can help you in the future. I bought my MP40 and battery pack from REEFMARKETSG. Patrick (Owner) provides really good service, he's super thoughtful too so if you're planning to get any Reef Depot can look for him! You will definitely get a good online shopping experience! Planning to get Reeflink and L1 or  M1 from him in near future. image.jpegimage.jpeg

Review on GOLDPOD!!
Heard alot of good reviews on this too! It smells horrible(Freshness) but fishes love it! I tried feeding some to my fishes and they just eat immediately. It's really good stuff! image.jpeg

Today's FULL TANK SHOT with my new MP40! 

Happy reefing guys! 

Hi Darren,

Thank you very much for your kind words. Glad that u enjoy your new toy and your fishes love the goldpods :)

Indeed a very nice tank with the density of healthy corals in it. Would love to see it in person soon.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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Hi Darren,

Thank you very much for your kind words. Glad that u enjoy your new toy and your fishes love the goldpods

Indeed a very nice tank with the density of healthy corals in it. Would love to see it in person soon.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Thank you so much! Good stuff and good service must be recognised! 🏻

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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