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Help needed with sump design


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  • SRC Member

Question one: outflow rate should be higher than inflow rate or the other way round???

question 2: in designing a sump tank, referring to the divider between the DSB/refugium and the powerhead compartment to bring the water back to the main tank....should the divider be 1)single and glue to the bottom or 2) have two dividers and let the water flow through the sand and then to the last compartment?

gurus can help me? thanks :D

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  • SRC Member

To trader best and all,

Topic has been edited by moderator. Use a more descriptive topic in the future. 'Help needed' is a lame topic as the majority of threads started here are precisely because help is needed. There is no necessity to state the obvious.

Normally, the punishment for such an offence is hung, drawn and quartered but I'm in a good mood today. :lol:


Warning: Heavy handed moderator in operation. Threads and post are liable to be deleted or moved without prior notification.

Moderator's prerogative will be enforced.

Any grievances or complains should be addressed to The Administrator.

http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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