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Need help on a New 3x2.5x1.5 tank

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  • SRC Member

Dear bro & Sister,

I had cycle my tank size mention above for two weeks now. Water is from iwarna, currently inside got skimmer sm161 normal filter and chillier hs66.

Should I get a reactor now? If yes which type? I saw one bro selling br80 but dunno if that's what I need.

In the tank I got live sand with artificial rock with some coral and three small fish.

Yesterday the crown fish suddenly act like out of breath and don't have the strength to swim up. In the end death. I notice there is some white spot on it too.

Can anyone guide me if there is any problem? I have yet to get test kit as I understand I should let it cycle for one month. As my mini tank is small so I transfer everything on the big tank.

Any advise will be good.

New to marine.

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U need to check the fish is it die from inc white dot 80% is inc if is inc ATt then u need to leave your tank with no fish for 5-6 week for inc to die off for cycle check u need check armonia nitrate and nitrete

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I think what leong is referring to is marine ich. They are impossible to remove, so the recommended way is to remove all fish from the tank and let the parasite starve to death. However. It seems you don't have that option. You may want to see the other alternative methods in the link below, though I personally don't encourage copper treatment. Hope this helps


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Did you finish cycling your tank?, what are the ammonia and nitrite levels?,  they should be 0 before you put live stock in your tank. do you have a sump filtration system?

When you populate don't add more than 1 fish every 2 weeks, patience is key!

The symptoms you describe above may be caused by Ammonia poisoning.

Water does mean anything as the nitrifying bacteria is attached on the rocks and filter media .

Good luck.

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Wow very detail link thanks tuajia

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No problem. You might also want to check your water parameters as the others have suggested. If your tank is not fully cycled, it can cause stress to the fish, which can result in diseases attacking the fish as well. You said your remaining fish have been transferred to a big tank? Is it an established marine tank?

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I see. Anyway hope you get a test kit soon to test the water. If not sure whether water is poisoned with ammonia, maybe you can try doing small water changes daily of 10% to ensure ammonia stays low. Good luck, hope your remaining fish make it.

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Hey tuajia, I will be getting my test kit this sat. So far there is two little fish which is living well.

You mention to have a 10% change. As I got buy the salt but not hundred percent sure if my mixing is correct. Can you guide me?

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You just have to mix your salt mix with freshwater ( preferably overnight) and check the salinity to make sure it match the level in your tank.

Just be patient and stock as slow as possible for your new tank and find more time reading and researching in our forum. A good way to improve your water quality is to add bacteria products . For the test kit, you can start with getting ammonia which is critical to know if your cycling is completed and the other test kit later on .

For the reactor, it depend what you want to keep . If you are looking at corals, you can consider getting a fr to use with phosphate removal media and biopallet reactor to reduce n03.

Hope the above helps, and feel free to check out with the bros here.

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Btw any Brother can help to lead me to a forum which one of the Brother share his setting for the maxspect lighting. I been trying to search but can't find.

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Nothing is wrong. Your tank is still cycling, just let it be. I know its exciting but for this period, you cannot do anything but wait.  4 weeks is a guideline. And you are using artificial rocks so you hv to give more time for the bacteria to grow and colonise. 

Dont waste media or electricity by installing your reactor. You're just going to extend the cycling period of the tank. 

You can even off your chiller and lights. If you alrdy put fish inside, just feed them once a day for now. 



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Yup, your tank is still cycling. Maybe give it another month. Maybe you can mix a big batch of water and just do small daily change to keep the ammonia low and keep your fish healthy

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To diki88,

This week will be the 4th weeks. I will do a test soon. I can't off the chiller or light as i throw in some coral. Will try to post some picture later.

To tuajia,

As my tank is around 300L so changing water is painful. Maybe I will ask some local shop to come change. By myself now is not possible as I can't mix that much of water despite I bought salt.

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If not too much fish and coral can try remove them and put it at smaller tank that can buy at 30-40 dollar for 1-2days then drain 40% off and use water hose charge in water then add salt in the tank then run for 1-2 days stir it will be easy for u. I do it for my 322 with sum tank of 500l water this way

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If u don't follow the cycle complete u will face problem when your coral die or fish die this is what happen to me lass time also once complete not do anything die ammonia spike until very problem

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