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Good Day, Fellow Reefers

Been having some problems with redslime algae on the sandbed and was going nuts with the ugly mess covering the front of my tank....thankfully it didn't reach my LR's or else would have been a headache.

Tried to use SeaChem's Phosphate absorber but that was like not solving the problem one bit.... :( Until I purchased Korallin's BioPhos on Friday with a 1/2 litre pack and viola! The Red Slime Stopped dead in it's tracks..... :lol: I was contemplating on wether to use Rowaphos or this product as I have never tried both before so went for Biophos instead.

If a 1/2 lit. pack could clear my 225 gallons of water....what would a bigger capacity could do....he...he....so went back to get a bigger pack..... :lol: It cost a bit more less then Rowaphos and it works just as good..... :D


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ya lor....use warm water not hot so can make sure the "goodness" don't get wash away..... :lol:

Alot of noise when wash with warm water and the brown powder so much leh.... :whistle

er..i think the problem is not the hotness of the water...but the idea of using water itself to wash the media....like you said..so much brown dust...and i suspect the brown dust also good stuff..but since the manufacturer say wash with hot water..then wash lor...

yeah..got sizzling sound when it is so called activated...LOL

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good should be good..but dunno how much it adsorb...

edwin told me to try to review it...but very hard to quantify it....

if it is cheaper than rowaphos by weight but yet absorb less phosphates per unit weight...then maybe rowaphos is better...

but unless some bro here can do a mini lab test...taking 2 water samples of same phosphate levels and then run the water through rowaphos and the other through biophos...and then we can know which one absorb better/more...

and such phosphate media..u will never know how long it lasts....coz there is no indication from the media itself....u just need to test phosphates in the water....when phosphates rise, means media is exhausted and need to change liao....so...put your phosphate test kit to good use....

you very new to this hor :P must treat me kopi at 201 kopitiam :lol:

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good should be good..but dunno how much it adsorb...

edwin told me to try to review it...but very hard to quantify it....

if it is cheaper than rowaphos by weight but yet absorb less phosphates per unit weight...then maybe rowaphos is better...

but unless some bro here can do a mini lab test...taking 2 water samples of same phosphate levels and then run the water through rowaphos and the other through biophos...and then we can know which one absorb better/more...

and such phosphate media..u will never know how long it lasts....coz there is no indication from the media itself....u just need to test phosphates in the water....when phosphates rise, means media is exhausted and need to change liao....so...put your phosphate test kit to good use....

you very new to this hor :P must treat me kopi at 201 kopitiam :lol:

not new lor never used this BioPhos or Rowaphos and got no time to find out or do testing like what you explained..... :lol:

OK lah....kopi tiam with kopi plus satay can or not? ...... :lol: then you can give me further Guru lesson on Phosphate....... :lol:

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high nitrates also possible....

right on bro roidan!!! i got those damn red slime in my refugium. got them due to overfeeding of GPs in my tank. :( best way of removing it IMO would be to do a partial water change. :o

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i have my isolated spots of red slime also..but not too big patches...about 10 cents a few patches here and there..

my phosphates zero already...but still have them...i point to my increasing nitrates due to heavier feeding....which is why i was thinking of a double beckett skimmer...to add to my aquaC and H&S

but probably going for the *short but powerful berlin classic* tat bro Acanthurus pyroferus has a strong testimony for :D

can save space, money and electricity with the berlin classic...compared to double beckett :rolleyes::lol::rolleyes:

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i have my isolated spots of red slime also..but not too big patches...about 10 cents a few patches here and there..

my phosphates zero already...but still have them...i point to my increasing nitrates due to heavier feeding....which is why i was thinking of a double beckett skimmer...to add to my aquaC and H&S

but probably going for the *short but powerful berlin classic* tat bro Acanthurus pyroferus has a strong testimony for :D

can save space, money and electricity with the berlin classic...compared to double beckett :rolleyes::lol::rolleyes:

Wah bro Roidan got the best of Skimmers already somemore want another one.... :lol: Like that can open LFS already.... :lol:

Heavy Feeding and alot of LS is unavoidable in having small patches of red slime. Not intending to keep many fishes in my new set-up just some chromis and anthias and stopped at a baby sohal and dusky surgeon for now.

No lah bro Roidan....maybe double beckett more super....not working for RedSea though but have been using that since I started.... :lol:

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Cyanobacteria problem is not directly linked to high phosphates but more related to high dissolved organic carbon. When the water has high phosphates, more often than not, the DOC will be high too.

Cyano problem can exist even when phosphate is undetectable by aquarium test kits. I've read an article before, which I cannot find now, about iron being able to affect the metabolism of cyanobateria. Perhaps a plausible explaination for the effect of ferrous based phosphate binders in reducing cyanobacteria can be attributed to that.


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yeah..i also bought 2 packets last month...also made phosphates reduce alot..but i couldnt quantify how much..by weight is cheaper than rowaphos..

but have to use hot water to activate it first.....i scared many goodness genna wash away... :lol:

Friend, this is NO KORALLIN......it is from Zeovit..........a THOMAS POHL PRODUCT.

Just to make sure you guys open your eyes and tell the right brand................ :blink::blink::blink::P:P:P Max

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Cyanobacteria problem is not directly linked to high phosphates but more related to high dissolved organic carbon. When the water has high phosphates, more often than not, the DOC will be high too.

Cyano problem can exist even when phosphate is undetectable by aquarium test kits. I've read an article before, which I cannot find now, about iron being able to affect the metabolism of cyanobateria. Perhaps a plausible explaination for the effect of ferrous based phosphate binders in reducing cyanobacteria can be attributed to that.

wether it's related or linked to DOC's or high phosphates .... the red slime cyno has subsided and almost it's way out the door..... :lol:

The biophos that I purchased certainly works and probably equally good as Rowaphos which is slightly more on the pricy end. Just added another 1/2 kg to my tank yesterday and my worries about this unsightly slime algae will soon be over.... ;) but of course not forgetting strict maintenance after this.

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er..i think the problem is not the hotness of the water...but the idea of using water itself to wash the media....like you said..so much brown dust...and i suspect the brown dust also good stuff..but since the manufacturer say wash with hot water..then wash lor...

yeah..got sizzling sound when it is so called activated...LOL

sorry guys got some questions on this product..

do we take them out to wash? or wash like that?

do we wash it real clean or leave some brown powder in it?

if we take them out to wash liao,later put in what and put in the tank and where do we place in the tank?

sorry to bother with all all the questions :)

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Hi Brothers,

I have the same problem too, is drive me like crazy. Please provide more information on step by step on the usage. BTW, my sump is full of grape alga, is it suitable to use this korallin's Biophos and how much per package?

Thanks in advance :thanks:

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anyone can help?

sure brothers, first you have to place the biophos into those nylon bags that come with a string to tighten the noose so as to not let the biophos spill all over....then you rinse it in warm water not boiling and you will notice all the brown powder stuff coming out.

Nomatter how much you wash it there will still be some residue left so don't worry about it and you can place the bag with the biophos near a water flow source but not directly under. A slow moving flow would be good for better results.... :D

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