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Week 4 - 22th to 28th March 2004

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PR lots of Cleaner Shrimp just arrive..afew never seen b4 shrimp dunno what name is that.. the starfish eating shrimp..dunno how to spell..

fire shrimp

sand sifting starfish

some powder blue tang,small in size..

and Yasha Hashe Goby with the shrimp? or isit the lobster..not sure abt that.. sorry


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Where is farmway 3?? Near Tropi*** Mar***?

I thought only got farmeay 1 and 2.

i dunnoe , i see the road sign is farmway 3. i nv notice the shops name.. sorry.. i noe one shop is a auntie and her son, one shop is a uncle, and one shop is one indonesian or malaysian one.. hMm.. my frenz bought two 3.5inch croceas at $70.. u all judge the price lor..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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did my eyes play a jokes on me? no leh.. i go wth 2 bro here.. they gave me a ride there one.. tell u the direction, it from L35, come out, turn right, see the road, travel straight up is farmway 3 liao ma.. :huh:

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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the price of the clam is rather cheap if the colouration is outstanding

Ya.. got purple, got green, got big big brown ones.. first time went there, something new. there even got big big shark..think it's sell to sentosa one..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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Ya, at there. better dun get off topic le. ahah. That place got alot of ocellaris, few bi-color blennies, some anthias, some mushies. nice tube worms.. etc..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member
PR lots of Cleaner Shrimp just arrive..afew never seen b4 shrimp dunno what name is that.. the starfish eating shrimp..dunno how to spell..

fire shrimp

sand sifting starfish

some powder blue tang,small in size..

and Yasha Hashe Goby with the shrimp? or isit the lobster..not sure abt that.. sorry


Was at Pasir Ris yesterday. Did not see any small PBT. Only medium and large ones. Which shop has small ones?

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Was at Pasir Ris yesterday. Did not see any small PBT. Only medium and large ones. Which shop has small ones?

PR, may mean Par*diz Re*f

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  • SRC Member

i dunnoe , i see the road sign is farmway 3. i nv notice the shops name.. sorry.. i noe one shop is a auntie and her son, one shop is a uncle, and one shop is one indonesian or malaysian one.. hMm.. my frenz bought two 3.5inch croceas at $70.. u all judge the price lor..

I believed the one u r referring to is those LFS found in Irwana. Irene's farm is run by Thai, kenny's one is juz by the side and the auntie and son one is at the bcak which is where u find lots of clams. They r the only one with clams shipment in Pasir ris recently.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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I've seen the shipment myself..considering that the fact that CITES is meant to control the overexploitation of such organisms, the abundance of so many organisms at such big sizes seems rather doubtful to me.

Always something more important than fish.


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