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Most livestock are tolerant to some levels of NO3. However, there is a tipping point where it becomes toxic. This point is different for various creatures. Some say its about 50ppm, some maybe 200ppm when things start to go downhill.


I'd say its good to check but not critical. Its analogous to checking one's blood pressure. Its good to know where you are on the scale of things.

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There are varying valid opinions about which parameters or frequency to check.

For me, i'm still learning the hobby & hence need to check weekly to be sure things are under control. I'm sure that once one is more experienced and have a proven routine (eg. water change, bio pellet amount, supplement dosing, feeding amount etc), then one won't need to check it so often (monthly/quarterly). Just like some experienced reefers in SPS only measure KH & nothing else.

I think for a new reefer with mostly fishes or few LPS, nitrates is important to measure.

Once the LPS load increases, nitrates, Ca, KH, Mg, Phosphate

For a new reefer into SPS, nitrates, Phosphate, KH, Ca, Mg. If budget allows, Potassium, Strontium.


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Depending on what you are keeping, nitate is not fatal to fish and most of the LPS can torralate higher n03 level. However, fishes will display brighter color if nitrate level is low.

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Measure is always recommend but not mandatory otherwise Its not a hobby rather than a job. Imo keep a closed eye on how the live stock behave is more important. But sometime also depends on the species you have. If you invested a very pricey species, you have to be more careful which translate measure and monitor closely at the same time.

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