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Marine Setup Temp - Singapore


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Hi guys,


DJC here, new to Singapore and have just set up my first marine tank (whilst in SG - have an existing set up back home in Aust).

My setup is only 1 week old, the set up I purchased was a Jireh Eco Easy Reef tank (60ltrs) IOS basically for easy of set up as ill be returning back to Aust in 12 months (but was missing having a marine set up).

Currently cycling the tank, have approx. 5kgs of Live Rock - all going very well. No fish or coral.

My biggest issue is TEMP - for the first 5 days it was running at approx. 31-32 degrees Celsius - so I have brought a chiller (AL60, 60ltr chiller from East Ocean) and now have the temp down to 28 degrees Celsius. Personally, I believe this is still slightly to high for soft coral, thoughts???

Background regarding location of my tank - its in my lounge room which being on the 8th floor on the east coast, the room receives direct sunlight for 4 hours in the afternoon (although the tank does not receive the direct sunlight as my curtains are closed) but the room still heats up significantly.

I have two pumps in the IOS at the rear of the tank (not in the main water), 1 pump to return the water to the tank, the second is for the chiller. In another section of the rear IOS I have the protein skimmer. (obviously all three generate some heat).

Any advice as to how to get the temp down on a regular basis?

Should I move the tank to the dinning room which does not have any direct sun as all the windows are internal windows facing car park/other apartments?

Your advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated as I am not used to the weather conditions for marine tank keeping here in Singapore.


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